People usually get addicted to cigarettes when they are children. The state does nothing or pretends and puts on a show. aI think that the sate is gulty of child abuse and that it is the duty and responsibility of those in power to protect children from this deadly addiction. Cigarrette adiction begins in childhood. It is a form of child abuse. Who is responsible? I think that just as perverted child abusers are made to pay many years after children are adults, so too it is child abuse for children to be addicted to cigarettes. I do not blame children. I balme the state. What do you think?
Who is to blame for cigarette addiction?
by Fisherman 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I dont know, but I took up smoking as a way to rebel against my Dad. I dont see how it is the states fault.
Children addicted to cigarettes??? Who is to blame??? THE PARENTS, OF COURSE!
Why would you want to hold the government responsible for THAT or anybody else for that
matter other than the parents of the child becoming addicted.
Good point. Smokes should have been banned a long time ago...and this from a smoker.
I had grandparents that smoked so my parents did a great job of teaching me the dangers at a very young age. When I was twelve my school health class had a slide show of autopsied lungs from cancer and emphasema. They were so graphic we had to get signed permission slips from our parents to see them. I will never forget those images and never had any desire to smoke. When I was a kid cigarettes were still advertised on TV.
The states allow alot of activity I would not want my child involved in so they are the last place I would look for support.
i am!
i knew it was bad for me, knew it was addictive, knew it was expensive, i did it anyway. for me to point to my parents, government, or the cig companies is ludacris!
Deputy Dog
If not the child how about the parents? Who is to blame for drug abuse? Actually there's plenty of blame to go around!
It is the responsiblity of the addict. Everyone, knows that cigarettes kill. If you smoke; knowing, that it can and will kill you, you have no one else to blame.
i am!
i knew it was bad for me, knew it was addictive, knew it was expensive, i did it anyway. for me to point to my parents, government, or the cig companies is ludacris!
Exactly! With all the research that's been available for the last several years, taking up smoking is an informed decision. Not a smart decision, but an informed one. I have nobody to blame but my own stupid smoker ass
My daughter is only eight and I have allready shown her pictures of meth addict brains taken during autopsies. Whatever the schools are dojng to prevent drug abuse is obviousely not working.