Thanks for checking in. Threatening, power crazed is what i had in mind. You be fine elder material.
by Satanus 14 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for checking in. Threatening, power crazed is what i had in mind. You be fine elder material.
Hey, I'm pretty nice. I'm just a grandma................nine grandchildren.
Stay in line kiddies.
Ooops, i forgot that you were a mod. Ya, you're cool. I'ld have you for a mum, anyday.
I just have one question for the mods...
How do you maintain your sanity after reading some of this stuff all day long???
I stopped posting, my true stories about how I twist jw's into KNOTS any time I talk to any of them. just this week 3 sisters seen me pull into the coffee shop . and JAYWALKED ( ALMOST GETTING HIT) across 6 lane of blvd. busy traffic . just at the site of my car. But i know the MODS. here do a good job. and have restricted my posts and topics. maybe because I'm just too honest, or a hot head apostate.? I know i call jw's Nazi's ,Zombies, and other names befitting thier actions. But there is not one person here that can say in their heart. That can say I'm not effective face to face with any jw. that's my style and it works every time. why? because i have the accurate knowledge to MELT any jw in 10 minutes. But my candor is not well liked here, so i will not tell my stories to help others here b/c i may run out of posts before i get to the good parts. TY JOHN THE WT EXPOSER