Dad asks me if I have hindered the HS by heavy drinking. I had to.

by oompa 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Yes he is an elder. I said "Absolutely" and there was silence. I don't drink anymore (3 months). I was shocked by the question. "How in the world does anybody know if HS is working or not, sometimes it gets the credit, sometimes not, nobody can see it or prove it. Geez Dad, why the hell would God NOT be helping me with HS? Yeah, I drank too much like most of my friends in the hall, but isn't that who Jesus went out to help, us sinners? It's like that scripture I never understood, 'pray for faith, but I won't be listening if you doubt', or 'those that HE wants HE draws to HIM.' I don't see where I have anything to do with having HS or not."

    I could never have stayed in the org for the last 5 years w/o nightly booze. Now I don't need it or crave it. So I guess now HS is working, even though I'm not asking for it.

    Dad said he could not talk anymore, I'm wearing him out....I said I'm sorry, I did not mean to....oompa

  • tula

    since God's name is so important...and his son's name is important....why doesn't the HG have a name, too?

  • journey-on

    Tula...according to the witnesses the Holy Spirit is simply God's Active Force...not a third person of some Trinity.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Not to stoop to a low level here, but (that 'but' means I will do it) it is possible that
    you are a troll to your dad. You point out that he can't win. If booze kept HS from you,
    then HS is available now. If you drank because of the meetings, then no meetings is
    what you need. He knows how to argue around that, but he doesn't really see a point
    in doing so.

    HS is given credit by JW's for everything good that works out, from 'worldly' people's
    mistakes resulting in JW blessings of lumber, bricks, food, discounts, etc. to finding
    a [literature] student because a JW stayed out in service after the terrible hurricane.

    HS is not to blame whenever things don't work out. The JW that has bad things happen
    is not being burdened beyond what Jehovah knows they can bare, or perhaps the JW is
    hindering the HS. Anyone outside of JW's doesn't get HS unless it is to bring WT literature
    into their life.

    Good question.

  • oompa
    wayout- Anyone outside of JW's doesn't get HS unless it is to bring WT literature
    into their life.

    Exactly, and yet THEY cope just like we do. We pray for HS for endurance, for strength, they endure the same crisis and ailments we do, and we say they have to spirit. Some even pray to be healed and Im not seein much a that. If I am going to pray for it, damn it, I want to FEEL it, hell pick me up off the couch and hold me to the ceiling, then I'll know it's working. Praying for strength, faith and endurance is all a mind game I think because all other faiths do it and they have the same sucess rate at things personally as we do.

    but poor bad oompa has hindered punish my family too

  • JK666

    You probably never drank as much as Judge Rutherford, and he was a veritible fountain of Holy Spirit!

    Bring me the barf bag,


  • tula
    Some even pray to be healed and Im not seein much a that. If I am going to pray for it, damn it, I want to FEEL it, hell pick me up off the couch and hold me to the ceiling, then I'll know it's working

    sounds like you are looking for a "slain in the spirit" experience. Maybe you should watch a week of Benny Hinn. It's pretty funny stuff. He blows, they faint.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Should have told him you were purposely drinking spirits just to find the HS, reason follows logic

  • Hermano

    It's all due to the indoctrination. See, your dad can't handle the possibility that the religion failed you, so he has to come up with reasons why YOU failed the religion. It's always: you didn't exert yourself hard enough, you didn't study enough, you didn't pray enough, you weren't humble enough, you didn't preach enough, you didn't make enough meetings.............

    In their mind, no one has left the religion because it was flawed in even the slightest way. It is always the individual who left that was not ________ enough.

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    I agree with Hermano. My JW hubby was an alcholic for MANY years and he always said that he was the failure, not the religion. I keep trying to get him to see that he's not lacking, the religion is lacking, but he can't. Someone else said prayer is a mind game...I'll go one further, religion itself is a mind game. It's the "opiate of the masses" and is used to control people. I agree with you, too, oompa...pick me up, show me! Give me undeniable proof that my prayer was answered, not some guessing game!!

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