Just started COC, can't stop crying

by erynw 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • erynw

    I experienced shunning for about a year and a half after I was DFed before I moved away. I was initially removed as a full time pioneer before I was DFed so there was some shunning before I was DFed.

    I'm not sure what exactly hit me so hard about reading those scriptures. In context of the paragraph in COC, these are listed in reference to disfellowshipped ones and their family members who shun them. For me, what I think happened is I realized just how wrong the disfellowshipping practice is. I remembered the parable? about the shepherd who has 100 sheep, one wanders off, he leaves the 99 to rescue the one. I was the one.

  • Shawn10538

    Yeah, reading CoC was real emotionally cathartic, as someone put it. It gets better, then it gets worse again, then you get better, then you get suicidal and wonder why, then you get a little better, then you get worse, then you just don't care about life anymore. Then you get inspired... poetry, songs, writing... growing, learning, healing. Marijuana helps.

  • shell69

    I got my copy of coc on friday last week, and I agree I think its a very emotive read. Sort of because the way Ray has written the book, you relate, you know his experiences were real, the language, language which may be alien to any other reader than a dub or ex dub.

    I admit I'm a bit of a 'flicker' and although am only about a quater of the way through, have flicked through to the read the letters towards the end of the book; Bro Vasquez and his wife's appeal against their df/ing. These were humble people.

    My opinion (at this early stage of the book) it that Franz and Vasquez we shafted over by the borg big time. Silences for daring have any thought of thier own.

    May be that why the exjw's on here get so upset and are so affected by this book. In our own way we have been chafted over by the borg. Whatever the cicumstances, whatever we were df/d for. We too were shafted when they took our families and brain washed them against thier own flesh and blood.


  • Perry

    Each of the policy makers of the WT will have an occasion to explain themselves directly to Jesus.

    This is the preceeding verse to the one you cited.

    10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 11 Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.... - NKJV

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The grieving process cited above is more than a moment. It is a journey. I too believe it similar to the grief one experiences after divorce or the death of loved one.

    My brother died 4.5 years ago. I left the borg 4 years ago. I don't know how the two are related. Did my brother lead me out? I have asked that question for a long time. But no matter - the two 'grievings' have run parallel over that period of time. I will always grieve some for my brother. And I will perhaps always grieve some for the loss of the years that I gave to a book publisher in Brooklyn. It is getting much easier now. It will for you too.

    I believe that emotions and the attendant reaction to them is a natural and needed process to heal us. Let it happen. Embrace it. I cried buckets.


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