I'm in the middle of reading Russells "The Devine Plan of the Ages" (1886) and several of Rutherfords books.
Russell was genuine. He was a pastor. IMHO he started to overthink and over anylize the Bible to the point that he was influenced by Miller's end of the world predictions and focus on the Apocalypse. He otherwise seems quite sane and fairly intellectual. (I'm only 1/3 through the book)
Rutherford was a freaking delusional psychotic. He started the craziest things. Made the most insane unsubstantiated claims that anyone can read and see what a psycho he was. For example; he claims that a machine was invented (1921) in his book "Government" that could harness all the power the world needs from the ocean but the evil US government was keeping this from the world. He said that "women could cook without the intense heat of an oven" (some special type of energy from the ocean?) The fact is technology is just now trying to do this, especially in UK but it just isn't cost effective to put into wide scale use yet. In the beginning of the book he claims that this is not the opinion of man but of God. Gee you would have thought that God would know about the super ocean energy machine issues...I should start a thread and write down all these insane claims as I go along. I had never heard about this stuff before. Had to get some books off ebay, some are reprints.
Russell slowly veered from acceptable historic Christian doctrine and slowly rep laced grace. He brought heaven down to earth instead of earth to heaven. How Rutherford ever became the leader and people followed him is a mystery to me...Rutherford's writing and grammar is very uneducated and crude compared to Russell. Rutherford started yakking about Beth Sarim in1920s "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" and claimed Jehovah was well pleased with him. 1926 he's still yakking and waiting for the "fauthful men of old" to rise from the dead. PSYCHO
I think the Government book may have been the beginning of the JWs cannot join military as he states again 1926. Rutherford asks; " is there any just cause to go to war?" How about the genocide of 6 millions Jews Mr Rutherford! Would that count!
How anyone could possibly believe this mentally ill man was inspired I'll never understand.