First of all, i'd like to say that the purpose of this thread is in know way an avenue for me to boast, but merely to share an interest with you all.
There is one thing at least that i'd like to get back into now that I no longer have so much of my time taken up by JW activities, and that's music.
I won't name the instrument on this thread because that'll be telling too much info about me(as if I already hadn't) and I don't want to just blatently give my identity away since many local JWs know about this, but i'm starting to realize how much i've missed playing the intrument.
I haven't touched one in 5 years, yet I still feel that I can pick one up and play it. My mother even asked me the other day if I missed playing.
It all started when I was about to enter middle school and I wanted to learn something new, so I signed up for band. The instructor said I seemed to be a natural at it, so he moved me to the advanced band in the middle of the school year. That's not bad for a newbie first starting and getting thrown in with kids that have been playing for 3 at least already. Since I was taken out of beginner's band so early I missed out on learing alot of the basic fundamentals of playing the instrument, yet, I still managed to keep at it and do quite well. In high school I auditioned and made the All-Region Orchestra 3 times, and the Honor Orchestra twice.
Of course, I got alot of discouragement from dad when it came to this, since JW kids aren't supposed to take part in extracurricular activities. However, mom wanted my siblings and I to experience things like this, so she allowed me to do this. Gotta love mom! She even wanted me to continue on in the college level with this, but I chose not to. I'm now considering doing it at that level now since I want to go back to college. I also want to learn 4 more instruments which consist of saxophone, trumpet, piano, and guitar.
It's awesome because musical talent seems to be a natural thing for family on my father's side. I have a cousin that is a great trumpet player. I'd pay to hear him play. I also have an aunt that is excellent at guitar, and a few other cousins that are wonderful singers who i'd pay to hear play also.
What are you're special interests?