Auspicious greetings, 666:
I have this very moment received an owl from Hogwart's and am perusing Professor Dumbledore's calculations in arithmancy. Their timely correlation and interface with my arithmetic progressions will doubtless set the academic world astir vis-a-vis the unfolding significance of your "Elder Figures."
We have not, to date, succeeded in piercing the veil that cloaks the risen Oracle of Brooklyn from our merely mortal means of communication. Co-operation from GB is moot. We are attempting prayer.
The lowest common denominators, whose cosmic importance you so keenly seek, are simply a quill stroke away. I beg your continued indulgence and patience as I whittle away at these perplexing yet, nevertheless, utterly fascinating ciphers, viz, 23 - 37 - 59.
From the Upper Towers,
Compound-Complex, PTMS