There's a brother in my brother's hall who just got appointed to be an MS despite his rather serious (almost pathological) lying problem. He literally makes up stories about people and spreads them around. A friend of mine is interested in a sister in that hall so he comes down to visit a lot. Doesn't talk to her much at the hall so it wouldn't look too obvious. So brother gossip decided to spread around that my friend is "bothering" her, making him look like some sort of harassment freak.
by chuckyy 44 Replies latest jw experiences
Are you kidding? Gossip is one of the few acceptable things in the congos (even if they say it isn't)..even at Bethel. My favorite was when a "sister" I knew contacted about 2 years after I left the JW's and told me she needed to know if rumors she had heard were true and that her 5 year-old son's life depended on her knowing. I hadn't seen her in about 4 years and had only seen her son one time, so it was obvious she was fishing for gossip to relate back to others. I told her to make up whatever she wanted about me and tell the bros and sis that it was true...
Are you kidding? Gossip is one of the few acceptable things in the congos (even if they say it isn't)..even at Bethel. My favorite was when a "sister" I knew contacted about 2 years after I left the JW's and told me she needed to know if rumors she had heard were true and that her 5 year-old son's life depended on her knowing. I hadn't seen her in about 4 years and had only seen her son one time, so it was obvious she was fishing for gossip to relate back to others. I told her to make up whatever she wanted about me and tell the bros and sis that it was true... How in the world did her 5 year old's son's life depend on her knowing if a rumor was true? What was she intending to do to him?
I experienced a real doozy. I had a really nice bathing suit, purchased in Germany. It was a bit skimpy, but really cool. I felt that at the time I didn't really look that good in it (I actually did) anyway, we were living in Maine at the time. I gave it to a sister, thinking she would like it and appreciate it. What did she do? She past it around as a joke for the new baptismal candidates. I was really hurt by that. Years later, I realized how dumb I was for getting rid of it. GRRRR! Now I wish I had it. Oh well, now I have bikinis that I PROUDLY wear, even without a t-shirt to cover me up, as the sisters did in Maine. Too many JW's have this Puritan blood that I cannot tolerate. Hey, I've even gone nude bathing in Germany. (even while I was a Witness) *heehee* I just didn't go with any witnesses to the pools, lakes, saunas, etc.
Quandry: I know, that's exactly what I thought. I guess she was implying that somehow the state of my JW "spirituality" could somehow affect her son's spirituality - even though I am 2,000 miles away. She was just trying to lay on the guilt to acquire some great gossip.
Witnesses don't gossip, I read it in the watchtower.
Yes, as a matter of fact our whole family was being shunned because we missed a few meetings (due to kids being sick); so the elder figured we were possessed and told others to avoid associating with us. His son, who had some common sense informed us what was happening. So much love it just warms my heart.
I have no doubt that I was/am, especially in my and my ex’s former hall. I’m sure that in their world of gossip me or my ex or both of us fornicated in wild orgies with groups of ravenous spider monkeys and elephant seals. I’m sure I am a cheating bastard and my ex is a slutty lesbian. Whatever the case I couldn’t care any less what those mindless droids think of me. In fact I hope they continue to gossip and their stories of how "dangerous" I am will get a nice 22 year old single pioneer moist with just the thought of me. Besides, their gossip is only partly true, the spider monkeys were very well fed.
yep,a whole lotta backstabbing at the Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts
Yep - I sure was... a lot actually - especially in the past few months leading up to my disfellowshipping... My kids were sitting there in the Kingdomhall when it was announced that the congregation's prized son and their father "is no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses". I heard from my son that there was a bunch of wailing and crying going on. Traumatic thing for my 7 year old daughter and 9 year old son to listen to - scarred them so much that they both hate that cult with a vengeance.