The Bible is full of so much crap it's incredible. I say this because it is inconsistent, sanctioning behavior that it then condemns elsewhere. On the subject of pedophilia, it was an eye opener to realize that the Bible is silent on it. It spends a lot of time saying how you shouldn't lay bare the nakedness of your third cousin, but nothing on the nakedness of a child. Amazing.
Maybe the bible doesn't mention pedophilia or children in a sexual context because it didn't even occur to the writers at that time that any human would have a sexual desire toward a child. This may be the reason why it's not mentioned.
However, that being said, I do notice that the bible does go into excruciating detail about other things of a sexual nature, such as where it lists all of the relatives you weren't supposed to see naked or have sex with. It mentions as you have said, third cousins, aunts, uncles, etc, etc. Why wouldn't there have been at least one verse that said not to have sex with children? There are verses against homosexuality, bestiality, masturbation, sex with a woman while she is menstruating, verses against witholding sex from your spouse, verses about when to marry or not marry based on sexual impulse, etc., etc., you name it. But I don't remember ever reading a single verse about pedophilia. Why is the bible so explicit about all these other things, but doesn't even mention this one topic?
But, you know, the WTBS doesn't always teach exactly what's in the bible, anyway. Just see the September KM about how no one should use the internet to discuss the bible or study religion. Ha Ha Ha. I think as long as I stay away from the Kingdumb Hall, I'll be fine!