I bet they don't say stop going to college and hope for a life of abuse at bethel!
JWs preaching at college
by truman 15 Replies latest jw friends
That's nervy. I wonder if they tell the students up front that if they become JW's they will be looked down upon for pursuing an eduaction? Yeah, right...
Yes, I too wondered how the students seeing the JW info table would feel if the JWs were up front about their negative attitudes concerning higher education. Also, the subtle manipulation of language they used on their sign, saying 'free bible course' instead of their normal terminology, 'free Bible study'. It seems an obvious attempt to align their program with an academic mind set and make it seem the equivalent of a college course. Which it certainly is not. In college courses, the student is expected to assimilate information and then be able to synthesize conclusions and extrapolations from what has been learned and apply these insights in new ways. The answers are not always to be found in the text; a student must actively think his or her way to them. In JW study, a student is expected (allowed) only to absorb information and regurgitate it back unchanged. The first method of learning is dynamic, the second stagnant. but you guys are right--table sitting sure is an easy way to count time for field service.
Conceivably they could try to get someone studying with them to drop college and dedicate everything to the Kingdom of God taht is teh manmade organisation of the JWs.
If that happens there would be some angry parents who made expenses on behalf of their student children for nothing. -
A good issue to bring up to witnesses.
Ask if it's true that the entire inhabited earth is controlled by Satan. When they reply yes, ask them if they are part of this entire inhabited earth. obviously they can't deny it, so they have to admit they too, are under that control......
This is a perfect example of something we as a group can rectify.
There are things within our scope of influence. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/135772/1.ashx
If we as a group started emailing, faxing, calling, and writing to this particular college's administration, everyone giving one scary fact about jws that exposes them for the apocalyptic extremists they are, the college would probably ban their campus recruiting activities.
I do this type of thing regularly for issues I care about, and I've had a lot of success. It works.
Time investment would be about 5 mins, and you might just prevent some innocent college student from a lifetime of grief.
*If only* someone had taken 5 mins out of their day to do that for us!
Now all we need is the name of the college so we can look up the contact info.