Did you think you were better than everyone else? Did you talk down to people? Were you a know-it-all?
Honestly, When You Were A Witness, Were You A Jerk?
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
No, No, and No.
Re: Honestly, When You Were A Witness, Were You A Jerk?
No, but I am now!!!
I was a mere shadow. Had a new elder transfer to our hall and never meet him for 1.5 years...
Minimus..Isn`t that,what we were trained to do?..LOL!!...OUTLAW
umm..but as a JW aren't we better than everybody? we have the truth!!
I guess you could say in some ways I was-
I refused to be nice to the guy who came to the meeting and gave awesome comments simply because he had a beard
1) Did you think you were better than everyone else?
Yes, but I was always told that I was better than everyone else, so who was I to question.
2) Did you talk down to people?
Back in the JW days .... I tried not to, but sometimes I did catch myself doing it. Like I said, I felt like I was better than other people.
3) Were you a know-it-all?
Yeah, I was a know-it-all, and when I look back on myself it was pretty ridiculous. I knew nothing.
I will have to say, back in those days I had a ton of self confidence. I thought I was god's gift to ..... well, everyone. But with all things that are only a facade, my confidence had to be destroyed several times along the way to where I am today in order for me to actually find out who I truly was, question the witnesses, and find out what life is all about.
I was a product of WTS indoctrination..........that says it all, imo.
As the JWs never really made an impression on me, being a materialistic, friendless and loveless society, I never really thought that the non JWs were really inferior. As I saw them they didn't differ much from the rest of society, they just had some better religious ideas which in practice meant nothing.
Robert K Stock
When I was a Witness I was a sanctimonius prick.
I remember sitting in a crowded restaurant and not spoting any fellow believers thought to myself," If Armageddon came right now everyone here would be dead but me!"
After I left the Watchtower one of my co-workers told me I had become much more friendly and easy going.