Comments You Will Not Hear at the Watchtower Study (RICH)
by WT Comments 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hey V :
Thanks again for another insight into the wacky Watchtower world.
I especially enjoyed the pictures that you inserted after paragraph 7 showing the ritzy headquarter buildings the Society has built for itself. Yes they have piled up riches of this world, while teaching their followers not to.
This is what I feel like for following the WT so long:
The WT literature always lays groundwork for some upcoming agenda in the near future.
What I take away from this one is that one doesn't need all the material things one has
accumulated. If you are truly trying to serve Jehovah, you will sacrifice in order to do it.
They make you think they are talking about education and time, but in actuality, they are
talking about all of it, including your hard earned cash and assets.
MARK THIS: When the Kool-aid edition comes out, there will be more and more of these
kinds of articles. Some will encourage you to just get rid of that burdensome old cash
and give it to "Jehovah" to further his organizations's preaching work. Don't waste money
on education! That will only make you develop critical thinking skills and expose you to
doing research on the awful Internet. Instead, send that money to "Jehovah" and use your
time to advance in the preaching work. We need you to remain ignorant anyway.
This one matches the "BEST OF BLONDIE" edition.
Did I sit up and think!
The WT literature always lays groundwork for some upcoming agenda in the near future
November is coming up. This is usually the time when society gives their major give, give, give talk from the watchtowe article. This is the time they remindthe flock about the planned giving arrangement.
I remember a brother in our congregation being interviewed at the DC. Their agenda was to get people to feel guilty about working overtime. This brother stated that he worked for a printing company and that he had opportunities to work extra hours or on Saturday but turned them down.
What he forgot to mention was that it was a large printing company, he was vice-president, he was salaried and wouldn't have been paid extra if he had worked extra hours, no house payments, no car payments. He was in great shape financially because he had a college education. I was a true believer at the time, but that experience made me seethe.
Thank you for the hard work you have put into this. Finallly I look forward to the weekly WT studies. Though we don't normally attend the meetings anymore my wife and I enjoy the study articles with comments we wouldn't hear at the KH
I'm tempted to go and raise my hand and say some of these comments in a tactful way of course
Somehow we have made a wild ride to this point. Rich man with material focus–bad. God blesses faithful with riches–good. Rich people are show-offs–bad. Works make you rich–good.
I'm just as confused as you are, V. So...being wealthy is not wrong (ice cream man) just as long as you can make the indoctrination sessions and work on your converting....ooooooo-k!
Funny how they don't have any examples of any dubs who stopped working and started pioneering, who subsequently land "$3k checks in the mail every month." Those used to be their stock. Really, how were they any different from those Oklahoma churches who send you a "prayer rug" and tell you to send a check to Jesus so you can be wealthy????
MARK THIS: When the Kool-aid edition comes out, there will be more and more of these
kinds of articles. Some will encourage you to just get rid of that burdensome old cash
and give it to "Jehovah" to further his organizations's preaching work. Don't waste money
on education! That will only make you develop critical thinking skills and expose you to
doing research on the awful Internet. Instead, send that money to "Jehovah" and use your
time to advance in the preaching work. We need you to remain ignorant anyway.
Marked, journey-on. I can smell it coming, too...
How far are the dubs willing to go for their precious "Slave?" With a little planning, you can live a reasonably comfortable life, and not have to be a starving pioneer, yet still be in good standing. When the Slave eventually orders them to jump, how high will they go?
"Tearing down the storage houses and building bigger and better ones". Well, doesn't this remind me of how they keep selling Kingdumb Hells that are in perfectly good condition and build new ones? And at least that rich man had a surplus, and rather than let it go to waste, he had to build something to store it in. Perhaps he could have gotten wealthier by selling the surplus. And, more likely than not, he had children to give the material abundance to when he did die, so it is not totally a waste.
That's more than can be said about the Kingdumb Hell building scams. They do not have growing attendances. Where I was, they had a Kingdumb Hell that was adequate, thank you; they were thinking of future growth (at least that was the specious argument they gave on the platform). They had no significant growth since I had started attending there nearly 4 years prior, and no sign of incoming growth. And I don't give a fxxx if the new double Kingdumb Hell ends up in foreclosure because they cannot pay the mortgage. I hope that happens, in fact. And they have the nerve to lambaste the rich man who built bigger silos to store a real surplus.
I enjoyed this study. Thank you for providing these for everyone. This is meat in due season. :)