Hi peoples,
Do any of you have experience with your parents or grandparents getting hooked on money making scams, Publisher's Clearing House, or other "schemes" where people call and use high pressure sales tactics and manipulation to get you to buy there program?
I know this is not JW stuff, but to me, it pushes alot of the same buttons. My grandfather has spent thousands on these worthless "business" ideas that you have to buy into. There's distressed merchanidise, land forclosures, govt. land forclosures. He also spends alot on "collectible" stuff from Publisher's clearing house, coins, stamps, and I keep finding more stuff. He even pays another company for the PCH winning numbers. To me that sounds like BS!
He spends so much money trying to "make a million"-his words. Grandma has control of the purse strings, but he is so abusive and relentless that she caves.
Grandpa is an Aries, so he's always been stubborn. This is so painful to watch, but I'm sorta obligated because they flew me out from Seattle.
How do you help someone who doesn't want help, or even see a problem?
Hey, for you Wisconsin apostates, I'm near Woodville. Fun storms we been having here eh?