What should be on a JW.com T-Shirt?

by TR 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • _alf_

    I think you should put a picture of me on them. An ALFPOSTATE t-shirt. Would make you millions with my mug on it.

  • Michael3000

    "Millions Now Living Will Probably Die, Too"

    "1799...1874...1914...1918...1915...1925...1957...1975...Oh, Fuck It"

    "I survived a Judicial Committee, & All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt"

    "Cognitive Dissonance Saved My Life"

    "Fred Hall Is A Troll - Ask Me Why"

    (All with the tag line of "Jehovah's-Witness.Com")


    "Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"

  • ballistic


    "the truth will set you free"


    Jehovah's Witnesses Adjusted My Mind
    But I Decided To Adjust My Reality


    I've seen the new light


    God Loves You
    Stop Punishing Yourself



  • Simon

    Ok, my mission for Sunday is to print a T-Shirt (maybe several) and model them in front of the KH.

    I get bonus points if I manage to get an elder in any of the pics (which Angharad will be taking).

  • ballistic

    fair play si, you've got some guts (especially if you're doing this at your own KH)!


  • ballistic

    They have a couple of quotes that are famous across England:

    1. They say "I'm glad my brain is washed from this wicked system of things" - so the T-shirt could say "My brain was washed and I'm still wringing it out!"

    2. They say "religion a crutch? - I'll use a crutch or whatever it takes to get me through this worldly system" so the T-shirt could say "I didn't wait for the new system to throw my crutch away"


  • Princess

    I saw new light at JW.com

  • BoozeRunner

    For apostate CO's, or DO's:

    My other car USED to be a Roadmaster/LeSabre.JW.com


  • ofcmad

    How's these?

    Be all that you can be (as a JW). JW.Com
    (Picture of some JW janitor on the tee shirt)

    The land of the free. JW.com
    (a child eating a box of lucky-charms with mom using a dirt devil in the background).

    Borg - not just for Trekkies. JW.com


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/Dogma
  • TR


    I love it! I'm going to do it also. I'll hold up one of my Silentlambs.com posters in front of the KH.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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