To my dear friend of so many years,
I have no idea what happened but won't ask any questions. My aunt called and said the announcement was made last night that you're no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses. So much has happened since I last saw you almost a year and a half ago. But not now. My purpose in writing is to tell you that I love you for the loyal friend you have always been. When I was down and out, thrown away by some I dearly loved, you were there to love me and not judge me. So here I am, not to ask questions but to say I'm here for you. It must be clear from this letter to you that I'm not about to shun you. That is no longer a part of my righteous "Christian" conduct.
You may feel you are a wicked person, but you certainly are not. Weak in some ways, perhaps, but not wicked. We've had this discussion before. The best thing I can tell you now is that your spiritual life of so many, many years has not been for nothing; your life's not over. I'm not going to quote Scripture but write out a little poem that I've shared with so many others over the years to help them see that even the smallest of deeds can truly help and lift the spirits.
My dear friend, your life is only now beginning. I hope the following words of Emily Dickinson help you realize that your life and good deeds have not been forgotten.
I love you more than you can know.
Yours forever,
Not in Vain
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.