Charles Taze Russell was right!!!

by whereami 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gopher

    Oops double post.

  • Leolaia

    Very biased essay. There is no mention of 1874 and 1878 and what the "end of the Gentle Times" meant to Russell. And here is a good piece of special pleading:

    1914 is clearly marked by unbiased historians as the ending of a world. The convulsions since are at once the processes of its disintegration and the birth pains of a new world. Britannica editors, as noted, observed that a religious group (actually known as Bible Students) predicted 1914 would mark the ending of a world in just this manner.

    One can choose many, many other dates that could be construed as the "end of a world" and the beginning of another. How about 1945? The end of the Axis powers and the dawn of the atomic age and Cold War. Or 1898? The start of the United States as a global power, which continues to this day. Or 1492? The beginning of the end of pre-Columbian Native American societies. There are many other dates in which world-changes were just as enormous, if not more.

  • Honesty

    Does this all mean that I had better trot my apostate butt back to the kingdom hall as fast as possible?

  • PinTail

    I am a member of Associated Bible Students, I live in an area where there is not any in my immediate area, but none the less I am a member. I derived great satisfaction out of reading your post about brother Russell and his efforts in the beginning of the end of the gentile times. It was the Lords dew time for the sacred secret (namely how he would end death, and resurrect everyone who has ever lived) to become known to mankind, and he used the Bible Students as they were called at that time.

    I was once a Jehovah's Witness, but now I proudly acknowledge my association with the Associated Bible Students," with the Bible Students there is not efforts to control the brothers and sisters conscious and damage them, rather it is left intact as it should be so it can be motivated by heart felt expressions rather than fear of man with his man made rules.

    The witness's make wild assertions and ear mark groups or individuals placing them in a category that will not be resurrected, this I find repugnant as well unchristian unloving and ultimately unwise from Jehovah and Christ Jesus's point of view.

    Anyway I am keeping your wonderful information on brother Russell.


  • glenster

    Early Watch Tower historicism:

    At one extreme are self-fulfilling prophecies: the sun will come up in the
    East tomorrow, etc.

    At the other are miraculous ones: to consistently give the number between one
    and a million another is thinking, or predict the date of something miraculous
    (a Rapture or Armageddon, etc.) successfully.

    Somewhere in the middle are more or less remarkable but ordinary ones, like a
    political expert guessing who the next president will be of a few likely choices
    or some of the more remarkable ones in the next paragraph.

    Some people in history have shown good deduction and, with a little luck, pre-
    dicted remarkable things. None were JWs leaders.

    Some believers throughout history have used numerology and interpretations of
    scriptures and historicism to come up with bad predictions. Some were JWs lead-

    (It's been a while since I read it, but I think "The Mask of Nostradamus,"
    James Randi, 1993, makes a point about fake predictions like that.)

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