Very very troubling

by nvrgnbk 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • lalliv01

    It's my believe that the best thing this country has going for it is the CONSTITUTION and

    THE BILL OF RIGHTS which are the supreme law of the land,more so than the bible or any

    other document. I hope all political parties,jurists,et. al.,make sure that no one fails to abide

    by the supreme laws and principles MANDATED by these documents. If these documents

    are ever invalidated by a political party or dictator, watch out!

  • Quandry

    Yes, I am troubled. Although I don't travel with anything controversial. If anyone is interested in what I do, they must be bored stiff to begin with.

    I do have one question, though. What exactly is your avatar? It is round with three small round things above it. Is it a doorbell?

  • greendawn

    It was always easy to figure out that they would use all their surveillance capabilities to spy on people in an attempt to detect terrorists even if they would publicly deny this. I don't think they really intend to intrude into people's private lives they are just after terrorists. National security issues can bend all rules, the CIA always played on this.

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