Can I have a hug??? from my old buddies? I will explain soon. purps
by purplesofa 50 Replies latest jw friends
Hope you're OK.
((Purps))..You know where to find me...OUTLAW
(((hugs))) to you purps..
Snakes ()
horrible life
((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))) Breathe
Hi all...
I just got done talking to purps a minute ago. She told me to tell you all the following...(I copied and pasted out of IM exactly as she typed it..sorry about the timestamps)
Leslie (9/22/2007 8:01:54 PM): if you want to post that we chatted
Leslie (9/22/2007 8:02:19 PM): and just say I am upset as i am losing my job,
Leslie (9/22/2007 8:02:24 PM): that would be ok
Leslie (9/22/2007 8:02:38 PM): i cant post on IE its messed up
Leslie (9/22/2007 8:02:54 PM): and its too long of a story to jumble up with mozilla
Leslie (9/22/2007 8:03:10 PM): you can cut and paste thisShe promised me she is going to the river to take pictures and try to destress. She will get back later and email me the "rest of the story" (as Paul Harvey says) about the job situation and I will post it for her on this thread. She has told me some but not all about the situation and lets just say she is stressed big time. Any support we can give her would be great, either via PM, email, or other means you may have to reach her (her phone is down though if you have her number). I know this bunch on the board is a real backbone of support for her...and she appreciates it.
Update to come....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "coming out of hiding to help" Sheep Class)
All I know is that when one door closes, another one opens. Everything is going to be fine. Watch for that new door opening, Purps.