well, as some of you know, i've hung up my tools and am leaving the mechanic world. i start my new career tomorrow. i am going into new car sales. i've never done anything like this. i am nervous and excited.
i'm so freaking nervous
by bigdreaux 50 Replies latest jw friends
Welllll...have to say it..You were a witness, and if you could do that...you sure will be able to sell nice cars people actually want!!
I have done jobs in sales plenty of times and one key is preserverance. Just keep showing cars, and the odds of someone being able to buy one go up. Then, as you make sales, follow up with the people so they remember you and give you referals.
You'll do great!!!!!!!
PS..How is your wife...I havn't seen a post from her in a while. I miss her!
horrible life
New Car sales. Ahhhhhhhh New Car Salesmen, treat women like second class citizens. Please don't be like that. I have been told to bring my husband back on 2 different occasions. BIG MISTAKE. They lost a sale.
I don't know the stats, but women do buy cars, women have their own money, women convince their husband which car to buy.
Even stay at home moms, will go out and search for a car during the week, the husbands will seal the deal on the Weekend, when he gets the time off work.
So BigD, Please, please, treat me and all women, like we have brain, a wallet, and like we can sign on the dotted line.
I am looking for a car. What do you have????
Be yourself.
You'll do great!
Do you own an ugly. double breasted, polyester suit? LOL
You'll be great BigD, no worries.
Hey Bigs, I agree with Megsmomma, if you were a witness once and could sell the #@$ they gave out, you will do fine selling cars, man! Hang in there dude! You will do fine! With every new job we have comes nervousness! I get nervous when I pick up new offices in my business too! Keep positive thoughts, you'll make it! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Sincere wishes for a successful career change!
Keep seeing yourself as a kick-ass, woman-respecting, referral-receiving salesperson AND MORE!!!! Affirm it, believe it, all the while soaking up as much knowledge about your products and about sales techniques and it will be so.
And don't forget to ASK FOR ThE SALE, bigdreaux!
Cheering you on,
out -
horrible life, i appreciate that. i was raised in a house with 4 strong women that taught me that women are most definately not 2nd hand citizens. in fact, they are to be respected even more than men.
i've promised myself not to try to jerk people around. i've found that being sincere and honest is the best way to do business. if i feel like if i screwed someone, i can never sleep at night until i make it right.
when i was working on cars, we actually did an experiment. i told my boss it'd be easier to rip a man off than a woman. i stated that a woman comes in expecting to get ripped off, so she is more cautious. a man comes in not wanting to look cheap or like a fool. so, we messed with some customers. we tried to actively see if we could rip them off. we were honest with them in the end, but, we found it was far easier to rip the men off!!!! women asked to many questions. we were amazed by this. so, horrible life, i can assure you i will respect all my customers, ESPICALLY the women. my momma raised me better than that. lol
well, i gotta go work on my comb-over and select the best gold chains to wear. see you guys later.
thanks for the support guys. i will keep you all posted on what happens. i agree, if i can seel the w.t.s., selling a nice truck is a piece of cake.
i think my mechanic background and door to door background make this job ideal.
and like missanna said, if it's one thing i am good at, it's b.s. hahahahaa she's right, i got her to marry me. i must be doing something right.
Depends on what your tolerance is for pressure, sales (especially car sales) is mega-pressure with lots of dubious "acting" thrown in if you really want to perform.
Don't get me wrong, you can make a truckload of money doing it and some people have perfect personalities for it, but I found that my numbers never matched the top performers because I could never fully immerse myself in the mindset.
In a way, it's very much like the JWs, only instead of an elder noticing your field service report slipping it'll be the finance manager giving you "the talk" about how come you're not performing. Expect lots of aggressive pep-rallying and pressure to bend your ethics in order to close the deal with a healthy margin for the finance dept.
Don't burn your bridges as you jump into this new career and make sure you keep some options open while you try it for the first few months.
After working sales for so long, I'm coming to the realization that being able to sleep soundly is worth more than fat commissions.