I remember the JW parties that I went to, complete with wholesome JW activities. The JW do a lot of miming games where they portray an imagined character. Let see what else....... a lot of pioneer sisters (why were they all sisters?) could really sing "4 strong winds" in a most tone deaf and completely fake monotone voice, with accompanying brother on 12 string guitar providing barfy baratone backup. .
The fond memories of JW parties
by cultswatter 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wha happened?
Aw Yes, JW gatherings..........boring! Well the food was usually good. Although the last few I attended were a much better since the crowd at that hall were much more open minded. More along the lines of some cool music, martinis, and no attitudes. Unfortunately it didn't last long.
Two words.
Line dancing.
My congregation was actually good at this!
Euchre, wine, great food and, okay, some Bible-based parlor games if indoors,
But outdoors we had skating parties, bonfires, baseball, basketball and touch football games, wading in the creek, volleyball, walks in the woods, swingsets and sandboxes for the young kids, etc. We even had karaoke night once, and we didn't sing Kingdom songs all night, either -- although it was good to thoroughly review the lyrics to pop songs before beginning, LOL. -
I once hosted a party and tried to get a friendly little mosh pit going in the back yard to Blur's "WooHoo" song.
I couldn't believe it when I was approached afterwards to inform me that I had stumbled some people. -
I did that too! Was at a party in Stoke and moshed away with friends from that cong trying to stop me, could never figure what was wrong with moshing.
Did you all do the game where you had a bible character pinned to your back and you had to do who am I questions - am I in greek scriptures or hebrew etc
I hear yah, I hated JW parties they were such a dive, and pot luch parties were no better yah always had some cone headed elder waltzing around like he was some policeman on duty eyeing everyone over with his little smerk. There was this one old sister she had the young kids bring their mucical banjoes and or anything else they had, make us all set and listion to them before we could eat, yuck.
These parties are extinct in our area. I remember having picnics and cookouts where we rent a pavilion in the park and have a cookout. There was baseball and football--I always liked when the person hit the ball into the lake and had to get wet to get it out. And they had a radio with real music (soft mush, but it wasn't Kingdumb Sxxx).
Then, about 1994 or 1995, it all stopped. There were no more picnics or parties. I remember about 1998 when a talk was given in the Circus Meeting that the word "party" should not even be part of our vocabulary (another "swear" word). About the only things left were those things when service was disrupted. Blizzards that cancel meetings. Having no one show up for field circus. Dummy service. Going to a bookstore to "place crapts" and doing nothing but browsing through books (they put a stop to that pretty quick). Fogging up the car windows and letting the heat out of the car to waste time. Having people not at home or not ready when we are supposed to pick them up.
So, for now, about the only thing left is the Coffee Break. That is a chance to take 45 minutes or an hour to refresh and stall. Often, those start only 45 minutes into service. I wonder how long it is going to take the Watchtower Society to smarten up to this and crack down hard on coffee (or for that matter, any) breaks in service, leaving just the endless drudgery of going out in field circus and going non-stop with nothing to slow down the damage or stall. All they will be doing all day is service, without a letup. I can see things getting pretty drab, austere, and miserable in that organization sometime real soon.
We had secret code when we in our teens in our hall, one of us would say hey lets go get a (1/4 pounder) but that means lets go to our stash of beer or go to Rex's house (an older brother who was real cool who would buy us beer) and drink beer and play Risk and get smashed at his house.
cyberdyne systems 101
On the whole I have good memories of the JW parties I went to. Depending if it was a congregation one or a private one, there would be good things about it. Sure there were times, where you realised that people were not uncomfortable with certain things, but generally, this didnt moot the fun. I know some congregations were better than others, and that was usually down to the Elders and whether they liked socialising.
CS 101