Yep. I got called. The better side of my nature says, "I want to be judged by an impartial jury of my peers and not by some career Judge. I trust my fellow citizens to render a fair and impartial verdict for my past serial killing stuff. And I trust them to grant clemency since I haven't done that stuff in nearly two weeks. I'm a changed man. Besides that, I found JESUS! " (Jesus was lost before I found him, you know.) The selfish side of my nature says, "Hey, you are self--employed and recently, always broke, SCREW THEM and get your exemption, becuase you can get one since you are the sole support for your sorry ass and you are self-employed, you LOSER." I'm in a dilemma.
So I was all set to report tomorrow morning, but I checked the paperwork and went to the website and my jury "group" is supposed to check back on Tuesday AFTER 5:00 pm (which means another day to think things out), not Monday which is tomorrow in my little place on the planet.
I think about my options: Be a good boy and serve as required? Say you hate everyone who is under 6 feet tall, and/or who has blue eyes? Claim to be gay and say that any defendent who is not gay is obviously guilty? Say I cannot sit through a trial without consuming at the minimum, fifty beers during the trial and at the breaks? Shoot the Baliff and hope that will get me out of it? Claim insantity, or even worse, claim to be JS Elder?
Being a serial killer as I do, is tough work, but being a JW Elder is worse and more damaging work according to the victims who are willing to talk about it.
All that being said, I think I will do my jury duty as a good American Citizen(tm). I couldn't do it as a dub. I can do it now. Perhaps I will sit on a shoplifting case and nothing more. WAIT! This is Sacramento, California. They don't even prosecute anything less than Murder One here because of all the crime! Murder TWO is a fifty dollar fine, paid in installments.
What should I do?