as if Muslims have never ever ever fomented hatred against any otherinfidelsbelief system in the world... right?
Well, to the best of my knowledge the taxi drivers at Indianapolis airport never did.
And yes this is like the Witnesses saying that the school needs to designate a room and teacher to care for Witness kids during times that the school is celebrating a holiday, birthday, pep ralley or saying the pledge.
I'd have thought you'd take the JWs' side on that. They're not the ones wanting to be allowed to express their ideologies in a state-run institution. Those who celebrate holidays and birthdays and swear loyalty to a piece of cloth are the ones involved in the sort of activities you seem to want outlawed. Of course they are in the majority but then so are Muslim taxi drivers at Indianapolis airport.
By the way most airports do have designated smoking areas (since a majority of cities now have smoking bans) but they are NOT dictates of a religion.
I am a firm and vocal believer in the idea that religious beliefs and practices deserve no more respect than any other sort. But neither do they deserve less. Enough people who visit airports want to inhale nicotine-laced smoke that it's sensible and helpful for airports to provide facilities for them to do this. Similarly, enough taxi drivers want to ritually wash their feet that it is appropriate to enable them to do so comfortably and safely.