thee Antichrist??????
by Sasha 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't think he is the anti christ unless radical Islam and those that espouse it would be thought of as the anti christ. Such radical Moslems believe that they have a God given right to conquer the world and impose upon it their religion which they think is the best there is and the only true one.
anti christ is plural. It is a group of people.
the false prophet, though, is another matter. That would be algore. He has the head wound. (ego) and he will rebound as the unity of the un; the spokesperson, if you will; a liason between that org and the people.
There will be a great natural disaster soon. He will say "I told you so." The disaster will be racked up to globalwarming. everyone will believe he has all the answers simply because he has exposed this "globalwarming" idea. (baloney)
thee Antichrist??????
I'd say a "Nutjob"
Deluded by religion?
Not at all.
He must not be underestimated.
A nutjob in the image of his spiritual father the Ayatollah Khomeini, but let's not forget however that the Iranians have managed to produce on their own a lot of advanced weapons including jet fighters and long range missiles (around 1200 mile range).
just wondering about the fact that he wants to nuke Isreal....and then everyone gets involved, etc. I know he is NOT to underestimated.
He is an extremely clever man - I think he has PhD in engineering. I think he is deluded though and a scary guy who really could trigger WW4 - though the real power is the Ayatollahs
managed to produce on their own a lot of advanced weapons including jet fighters and long range missiles
I'm sure their buddies, the Russians, are behind this, just like the Russian help for their nuclear power plant.
I would even add Russia in the Axis of evil, but it won't be mentionned cause they are too powerful, and the US too vulnerable right now.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad , now he scares the willies out of me.