It is referred to as a "diagram" now, apparently, instead of an "insert". Thanks, Gopher, for unearthing it again.
Is the Work of Jehovah's Witnesses Propagandistic?
The CD ROM has it included (thanks, V) as a box within the article "The Manipulation of Information", a box which includes a DOOZY of information manipulation. The World Book Encyclopedia states:
Propaganda is one-sided communication designed to influence people's thinking and actions. A television commercial or a poster urging people to vote for a political candidate might be propaganda, depending on its method of persuasion.
Propaganda differs from education in democratic societies. But education in a dictatorship can involve teaching children and youth by techniques that could be classified as propaganda. Educators in democratic societies teach people how to think, but propagandists tell them what to think. Most educators are willing to change their opinions on the basis of new evidence, but propagandists ignore evidence that contradicts them. Educators present all sides of an issue and encourage debate. Propagandists build the strongest possible case for their views and discourage discussion.
The highlighted portion is the bit they quoted from the World Book Encyclopedia.
At the same time, the work of the Witnesses is educational. Using the Bible as a basis, they teach people worldwide to reason on Bible principles and thereby develop right standards of conduct and moral integrity. They promote values that improve family life and help young people cope with their peculiar challenges. They also help people to find the strength to overcome bad habits and to develop the ability to get along with others. Such a work would hardly be termed “propaganda.” As The World Book Encyclopedia says, in a climate where ideas circulate freely, “propaganda differs from education.”
This implies that the World Book Encyclopedia agrees that their work would not be considered propaganda and would be considered education; which could only be true if (1) the religion is a democratic society and (2) they teach people how to think instead of teaching people what to think.
Since their own publications make it perfectly clear that they are interested in teaching people what to think and are interested in punishing people who think otherwise and since they are grossly misusing information, they are propagandists.