food, what would you be and why?
If you were a
by John Doe 34 Replies latest jw friends
Homerovah the Almighty
A chocolate glazed donut aaah aaaaaaaah..........donuts
Tyrone van leyen
I would like to be a banana for obvious reasons. They are low in fat, they grow high in trees, they are colourful, they are sweet, but not too sweet. They go great on a banana split, and there is something else, but I just can't think of it............Oh ya they are high in potassium.
I would like to be a peach for obvious reasons. They are low in fat, they grow high in trees, they are colourful, they are sweet, but not too sweet. They go great in a pie, and there is something else, but I just can't think of it............Oh ya they are high in vitamin C.
Tyrone van leyen
A cucumber would be my second choice. Its not as sweet, but very watery. They taste great with salt and vinegar, easy to prepare, and there is something else, but again I just can't think of it.......... Oh ya, you can make pickles with it.
Bang Bang Shrimp from Bonefish Grill. 'Cause I'm hungry.
A tomato would be my second choice. Its not as sweet, but very watery. They taste great with salt and vinegar, easy to prepare, and there is something else, but again I just can't think of it.......... Oh ya, you can make ketchup with it.
I feel like I am a hot chili pepper, jalapeno, hot as they come. LOL! At least Mrs. Flipper tells me so. I feel Mrs. Flipper reminds me of a carrot! Her hair flows out long like the stem of a carrot and she is sleek long, and pretty! But she feels she would rather be a cherry or a strawberry, she doesn't know why. Or maybe an orange
Tyrone van leyen
Ok, lets say for minute, I was a banana and you were a peach. How would we get along? Banana splits only go good with the right toppings. Pineapple, strawberry or even, chocolate. Now a tomatoe and a cucumber is a different story. It would make for a great tossed salad, wouldn't you say.
Sauerkraut, because it's smelly, and slimey, and rotten. ;)