I love Hortensia's idea!!! That would be fantastic!
How I wished I had done that just before I left! But then I left before I started reading this web site!
If someone, somewhere feels they can actually pull this one off - please try it! and tell us what happens!!!
If possible record it so we can hear it.
You would have to plan it carefully (a) make sure you have packed your bag and that your coat is already on your chair. (b) make sure that your car is not blocked in the car park so that you can make a smooth getaway, and (c) going back to point (a) it may be worthwhile making sure you sit in the front row so that you can come off the platform straight to your chair, pick up your coat and bag, wave goodbye to everyone and then leave. Oh and (d) be prepared to finish what you are saying without the benefit of the microphones because I am guessing that they would turn off your microphone once they realise what you are saying.
What a way to leave!