As a child, I had lots of sensory sensitivities and one of the worst was cigarette smoke. Both parents smoked, so making my mom kick the habit was probably one of the biggest silver linings of the JWs for me. I have a funny memory of when I was 5 and I took my dinner underneath the table to eat because my parents lit up after they finished eating. It was still very hard for me to tolerate my dad's habit and so I never was close to him on account of it. So yeah, it was not going to be a habit I was ever going to pick up. I enjoy watching Monk but when it comes to cigarettes, sad to say, I am just like Monk! Seriously! I have lost most of my other sensitivities except for a few (pain from having my neck touched, extreme discomfort at the sound and touch of styrofoam packaging blocks, speeding motorcycle striking terror in me, phobias of certain images), but smoking still throws me into a tizzy.
No offence to my smoker friends. (I don't drink either but I have no problem with alcohol, just never liked it own bad vice is sweet fizzy drinks)