@ Has Jehovah Always Known the Date? @

by Clam 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Clam

    After ploughing through the latest OBVES thread, a sign that I probably should get out more, I pondered the following . . .

    Has Jehovah always had a fixed date for Armageddon or do you think he takes a more pragmatic approach? Has he put it off? Is he bringing it forward? Did he put the date in his diary thousands of years ago, and he'll stick by it no matter what? Or does his decision depend on how things are going? Are there scriptures that suggest that the date would be specific and predetermined or is there room to suppose that it's "up in the air", a bit like Jehovah himself.


  • JH

    Jesus said, "the day and the hour, only the father knows", so that would mean that there is a specific day and hour.

    But, also its written, when Gog comes against his people, then he would have to act, so maybe Gog knows the day and hour more than God.

  • Clam

    I see what you're saying JH, but "the day and the hour, only the father knows", doesn't to me necessarily mean that it's predetermined, or at least there is scope for manoevre.

  • nvrgnbk

    I always understood it to be predetermined.

    Even if it's late, it will be right in time.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Clam,

    Sorry I cannot answer that question in an intelligent manner [who can know the mind of GOD?]; however, faithful JWs that I know continue to speak of the signs pointing to A's nearness but still plan for their future in this "system of things." It's like being prepared for the reality but hoping for the dream.

    I've given up trying to figure it out. And we used to be so certain that we had inside information ...


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    On the net type in "end of the world predictions" you will find that from the year 0 c.e - 2007c.e there have been THOUSANDS of predictions for the end of the world ALMOST EVERY YEAR SINCE JESUS DIED! Even 2006 or 2007 have been predicted. Man makes the dates not God. It's all crap. Armagedon comes when you personally die at 70 or 80 years of age...and you never know what day or hour that will be.

  • nvrgnbk

    I think 2008 is looking good.

    And 2011 and 2012 too.

    2014 is a sure bet.

    If not then, 2034.

    I have the popcorn ready.

    I will be so happy to see that I was wrong.

    I'll celebrate as I'm being smitten.

  • Clam
    It's all crap.

    I'm in no doubt about that 007. My question in the context of this fantasy is whether the date has been changed. If only Jehovah knows then no one would know if he changed it. It's rather like children being told that they are due for a lovely day out by a father who tells them that he's decided which day it is but that he's not going to tell them until the day. He can go and change it anytime he likes.

    Maybe he pencilled in September 2nd 1975, and then had a change of heart.

    Labouring Clam

  • Clam
    I think 2008 is looking good.

    LOL Nvr. Sorry mate I can't do 2008, I'm washing my hair.

  • eclipse

    I see what you are saying clam.

    Is it a predetermined date?

    It could simply means that god only knows because he will bring armegeddon when he feels like it.

    But if gog knows too, he shared that date with gog...


    Attn: GOG

    Date: Sept 1, 70 CE

    Re: Armegeddon Date Set for Sept 1, 2014 / Raindate for Sept 1, 2034

    Note: I am so going to kick your gog-magaog ass!

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