edited to add Greendawn
This is similar to the saying "one can sin by ommission and not by commission alone." Many times what one doesn't say means more than many words uttered.
Sorry I did not comment. I saw what Lisa posted and was so worried bout how it may have made my topic look when I did not expand enough...that I forgot to adress everyone. I usually try to. Sorry bout that. Soo. Greendawn, I agree, I really can get on a whole thread on the topic of sin by omission, So maybe that will be the next topic started. (Maybe) I also think this can start a REALLY heated debate. lol I am one of those people that really gets PO when someones leaves crap out of a story, or conveniently forgets to even tell me about something they know I really would not appreciate. Let me see if I can come up with a good and example. Here is a good topic. Girls and guys being friends. My ex had a friend since childhood. I had heard of her. Cool. One would think if they were back in contact and it was a good friendship that I would know about it. I would have no problem with it. Would love to be frinds with her also. But if they contacted each other all the time and I never even knew they had contact once. I would say something was fishy. Was it a sin? Maybe not...Was it something that had I known about the HIDDEN (ommitted contact) I would have changed my path I was on with him sooner? Oh yeah because I feel it is dishonest. I could make it more cut and dry and just call out a straight up sin, but if you knowingly withhold information from someone that you know they feel stongly about and would take action for themself about...I would say that is a sin by omission. (guess I should have put this in earlier...3 marriages trashed by this "little ommission" later being a big part, he is finally with his hidden friend and I truly am happy for him. I just wonder why all the secrecy. Dont take up peoples lives and time like that)
Then sweetstuff~You stumped me from the beginning. I was a bit groggy when I started the post and for the life of me I could not figure out what you were getting at...so I paused...and paused and even after a whole day, I came up with a bunch of scenarios and well I guess I have not had enough contact with you to know where you are coming from. So I still have to pause for more and just ask for clarification. So sorry hon!
Shutterbug~ You big silly. After Sixy's explaination...I can see it, but really silly, I would never do something like that. It is not in my nature to beat around the bush. And I am so happy that you all congrats on me...I know Xena's and Rosses went on for Months. So I would not really even pay attention to that. I figure there may be a few people have to wrap thier minds around it anyways. So come give me a big old hug!!! I realy am realisticaly happy. I am not a guilt trip person. I am not even good at it on my kids. If I need to make them aware of what they may have done by the actions they have taken, It is more in the sense of trying to make them become a balanced person. I get no satisfaction in guilt or revenge. Even justice is sad for me. Good, but sad. Really justice helps, but at what cost. I know TMI...so I will shut up now. And say Good Morning! Lots of Love!!