My 9 year old son decides back in April that the memorial is going to be his last meeting at the Kingdomhall. So... he refuses to go to the meetings, and when forced to go - leaves the meeting right after the song and starts walking to my mother-in-law's house a couple of blocks away where he knows my sypathetic father-in-law (A raging Catholic, not a JW) will have sympathy on him and say "Nevermind, just leave him here with me when you go to the meetings from now on." The next week - the garbage man visits to collect the trash in front of the house - and my son had taken all of his meeting clothes, pants, suit jackets, ties, dress socks, etc... and left them all curbside for the trash man to pick up. He hasn't been to a meeting since - and vows never to return.
While my daughter still gets dragged out to meetings (she's 7 1/2 now) - she even is starting to resist more and more and uses the logic "If (older brother) doesn't have to go, then why do I?"
I couldn't be more proud. The silver lining in my rejecting the borg is that my children have matured so much and already have a great sense of liberty - taking a stand for their own sake. My JW wife calls it rebelliousness.. - I just conclude that they have more guts in their pinky fingers than the average JW does in their whole body and I couldn't be more proud of them. Just thought I would share...