**edited to say, my brother is not a JW, never has been, nor have any of my family. I'm referring to JW's I don't know who came to the door finally (I posted about it a couple weeks ago in personal experiences) I was just talking to him about it because he got word of it and doesn't like the idea of it**
Talking to my brother today, he doesn't like the idea of me getting involved debating with JW's (I've done this plenty, just not in person:). He was talking about how he used to debate with people with the "different ideas" or persons whom you believe have the "wrong ideas," and how it was something that was fruitless and brought him down. He doesn't think it will do any good. It kinda deflated my enthusiasm about going after it.
I told him how he wouldn't understand it, he holds a different philosophy about the nature of things, and really, he doesn't grasp the gravity of cultic influence. How could he? He's not interested in it, hasn't looked into it for nearly six years running, hasn't read the personal accounts, can't grasp the horrors of the blood doctrine, and the general impact on peoples lives.
I just quoted that "evil endures when good men remain silent." In my view, my knowing the WT and other cults and sitting on my thumbs would be like a doctor seeing an aggressive carcenoma and sending the patient home with a lollipop. It's like, I can't just "put off til I'm fifty" trying and influencing a person whom I know is entrapped in a false and dangerous cult because "it's fruitless to debate about things." I don't think that's the case. Even if nothing comes of it, I have to try, and I feel GOOD about it, I don't feel dragged down or like I'm wasting my time.
Now, what do you guys think? Would you, knowing what you know now and being free from the WT, would you have appreciated someone like me trying to engage you and...enlighten you about the Witchtower?
Do you think its fruitless? I'm wasting my time? I'm putting my energy into something that'll drag me down?
I feel weird about it sometimes, because to be honest, even though JW's would be shocked to hear it, no one really cares about the religion. It's not a topic I can bring up alot, because people just aren't interested like I am. They kinda glaze over.
I feel like I can't turn my back knowing what I know,,,they're not people who are arguing knowing all the facts, they are lied to and deceived. It's not an equal playing field.
I was just kind of upset and befuddled by his exortations, so I wanted your guys' views on it. I think you may understand me a little better.
A deflating talk with my brother re: anti-witnessing,,,,thoughts?
by smellsgood 25 Replies latest jw friends
Go for it. I'm not the type to go out and picket an assembly but if the opportunity ever comes up, I'll be doing a little mind blowing.
Go for it. I'm not the type to go out and picket an assembly but if the opportunity ever comes up, I'll be doing a little mind blowing.
'sup Spectatre? How's your bunions?:) I agree, I'm not out there, though I'm always happy to see it, seeking confrontation. But they delivered themselves up on my doorstep, and I just figure my brothers trying to be protective, but doesn't understand the psychology of an anti-cult fanatic. -
Who's the old dude in your avatar Spectre? har har
The only person that tried to get me to see truth about the troof was my sibling. There was no way I was going to listen to him and besides the only backup he had was from a few religious organizations. If there had been a non-relative come to me with decent anti-witling reasoning I might have listened. I say go for it, you never know who you'll reach.
You're both right. No debater ever says: "You're right." It's not in human nature. JW's don't convert Catholics by destroying their beliefs biblically. Former JW's can't "win" a debate with current JW's. The talking points are irrelevant. It's the technique that doesn't work. Each JW has to reach a point in their life where they are "open" to seeing the reality of their belief system. They have to be hurt, overlooked, coerced, bullied, offended or stumbled to that point. Even at that point, the research has to be their own.
But you speak of your "responsibility". Your post-JW successful, happy life fulfills that responsibility.
The only person that tried to get me to see truth about the troof was my sibling. There was no way I was going to listen to him and besides the only backup he had was from a few religious organizations. If there had been a non-relative come to me with decent anti-witling reasoning I might have listened. I say go for it, you never know who you'll reach.>>>>
So, how did you come to be an ex-JW Chris? -
I do wish I was given the option to take the red pill when I was younger. If you free a mind, that is a good thing.
And that old guy is the guy who has a date with your mom tomorrow.
TMS:But you speak of your "responsibility". Your post-JW successful, happy life fulfills that responsibility. >>>
I've never been a JW :)
Spectre, actually, it's called an "appointment" with and my Mom is a qualified "professional." I don't think that "dates" are covered by insurance. Besides, she's a little mature for thumb wrestling and 'Pocahontas 3, Mikos Adventure." -
So, how did you come to be an ex-JW Chris?
It started internally for me soon after I was baptized. The elders, ms's and even publishers that were in the circuit and treated me so nicely before I was baptized, changed. They seemed to have no problems saying horrible things about me or others once I was 'in'. I kept everything they said or did internalized and didn't tell anyone except my mother who took the standard, "wait on jehovah" response to new levels. I later met my future wife and had every elder to a man in two congregations say nasty things about her and her family. I foolishly kept that stuff to myself instead of sharing it with the future Mrs. We literally jumped through hoops in regards to our wedding. After the wedding my wife and I started talking and we had both been storing horror stories for over a year. At the hall the elders went from 'don't get married to her' to 'why can't you keep her under control?' that p.o.'ed me even more and I started looking at the situation through a very clear lens. I changed shifts at work deliberately just to avoid the meetings and service. Moving halfway across the state and then out of state all together didn't hurt either.