by chuckyy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • chuckyy

    Hi......just wondering if i have missed some "new light." Is it now a case of the ORG saying that 1935 is no longer the date of the 144000 places in heaven being filled??? Have i missed something??


  • dedpoet

    It was in the May 1st watchtower questions from readers section.
    What they actually said was that the gathering of the 144,000
    anointed, previously believed to have ended in 1935 apart from
    replacements for those who fall away, is in fact still taking place,
    and the org doesn't know how long this gathering will go on for.

    The other,and perhaps even more telling comment they made
    in this qfr is that the so-called anointed don't have any more
    holy spirit than the other 6 million plus jws.

    The change of thought on the gathering of the anointed is
    maybe in response to the fact that the number of partakers
    at the memorialnever goes down, and often increases -
    last year 234 more partook than in 2005. It's also another
    way to postpone armageddon in the jws minds, as they still
    believe this gathering has to end before it strikes.

    Edited to add: here is the thread that originally discussed
    this latest doctrinal change


  • greendawn

    As with the 1914 generation time caught up with them and they had no choice but to admit their doctrines were wrong. I am surprised that they still have so many members given the abysmal record of their doctrinal history. They can't get anything right.

  • Honesty
    The other,and perhaps even more telling comment they made
    in this qfr is that the so-called anointed don't have any more
    holy spirit than the other 6 million plus jws

    Trev, that is the only thing they have got right in the 130+ years of their existence.

    None of those people have the Holy Spirit.

    They don't believe in Him so they can't have Him.

    'Active Force' is one of the most, out of many other Discombobulated and Delusional doctrines the cult has come up with.

  • dedpoet

    Trev, that is the only thing they have got right in the 130+ years of their existence.

    None of those people have the Holy Spirit.

    They don't believe in Him so they can't have Him.

    'Active Force' is one of the most, out of many other Discombobulated and Delusional doctrines the cult has come up with.

    Honesty, I agree with you. When I read this, it made me wonder what
    the anointed are actually anointed with. Someone suggested snake oil,
    which sounds about right. Apart from that, they have used this "special"
    relationship with god they claim to have as a basis for their authority. Now
    they are almost admitting that this relationship isn't that special after all.

    Frankly, though the change in the 1935 teaching was a bit surprising, it
    was forced on them in a way by the number of partakers at the memorial
    staying the same or even rising, whereas this new idea about the holy spirit
    wasn't, unless of course it's all part of a bigger plan for when all the old
    codgers on the gb die off and they can use it to justify "non anointed"
    company men running the organisation. As it stands, it seems to me
    that the gb have taken a risk publishing this information, and a needless
    one at that.

  • JK666


    This is like the "new light" in 1995 about generations. It has been 72 years since the sealing of the number of annointed. They are all getting pretty old. How else can they have new Governing Body members if they did not change this doctrine?

    A new light enema, forced on them by time, not holy spirit.


  • Seeker4

    For many, many years as a Witness I kept a 3x5 card with each year's number of Memorial partakers on it.

    Now, I had a few decades worth of figures there, and it worked out that the number of partakers actually increased 1 out of every 4 Memorials, or 25% of the time!

    The literal 144,000 is one of the most whacked out Witness teachings. According to early records, there were hundreds of thousands of early Christians killed.

    At this point, there are about 15 million "144,000!"


  • Clam

    Yes that Watchtower earlier in the year certainly was a killer. I loved . . .

    However, genuine anointed Christians do not demand special attention.They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special "insights" beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have.

    Apart from the quote's undermining of FDS authority and the ridiculous statement of them not demanding special attention (which they do), what fascinated me was the idea of an "experienced great crowd" member. It reminds me of chess piece rankings.

  • tula

    The change of thought on the gathering of the anointed is
    maybe in response to the fact that the number of partakers
    at the memorialnever goes down, and often increases -
    last year 234 more partook than in 2005.

    hey. Why don't we all get together for a deal here. Next year at memorial we can infiltrate the kh....go to one where you are unknown...and we will all partake of the memorial. That should help skew the numbers a bit.

  • lfcviking

    It was in the May 1st watchtower questions from readers section.
    What they actually said was that the gathering of the 144,000
    anointed, previously believed to have ended in 1935 apart from
    replacements for those who fall away, is in fact still taking place,
    and the org doesn't know how long this gathering will go on for.


    you don't happen to have a scanned copy of that WT do you that you can post per chance? I'm trying to build up a WT library of embarrasing cock ups & continuous changes in beliefs and this one would make a nice addition.


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