So can someone Please enlighten me why when people come out with their Catholicism others find it necessary to remind them of their Pope worshipping, Mary praying traditions (sic)?
by BlackSwan of Memphis 41 Replies latest jw friends
It's the old conflict between Catholic and Protestant, there are things that the Protestants can't stand about the Catholic beliefs. But there is more to religion than religion there is also culture and tradition associated with it.
That's why also the JWs are worthless to many because beyond their dubious doctrines they have no culture or tradition. -
Did you run & hide in another thread.? I didnt realize your a I do know...??
What do you want a person to do when they realize they goofed????
Boy your the makings of ELDERETTE> I dont often get ticked but you have really upset me. Happy now????. -
I love Mouthy!
BlackSwan of Memphis
Mouthy go back and read my response on that thread.
This is not directed at you.
This is directed at a general population of people who tend to get so upset about the Catholic Church.
What sparked this topic for this thread bsom?
BlackSwan of Memphis
It was NOT Mouthy alone.
It is the general treatment of Catholics. And No not everyone does it. But I cannot tell you how many times a Catholic will post their experiences or whatever and dang, some of the things I read I think why does someone have to say something So stinking snotty about their traditions?
Many of us are exjws right? Some choose Catholicism, some choose another form of Christianity or even atheism.
The JWs have a set of beliefs which will cost people their lives, I'm thinking of Mary's dad right now for instance.
Catholics have some beliefs I personally cannot reconcile. But as far as my research has shown they don't result in a person dying.
Why do people have to get so sarcastic with Catholics? "Pope worshippers" "Mary worshippers" etc. etc etc etc etc
It gets on my nerves because Catholic Ex Jw's should feel just as open to post their beliefs here as well as everyone else.
Something that just about knocked me out of here for good was the way that believers in Something often get put down or made to feel like their worshipping Jesus as God is the equivilent as worshipping Santa Claus.
I know I have to get used to that this is a discussion board. And if people want to discuss something we're going to get different responses.
However, why can't we respect the belief's of believers, be they Catholic OR Protestant without getting rude or otherwise disrespectful?
I know it's hard. I have friends with beliefs that make me want to roll my eyes, but I really try. And yes, if I screw that up, I expect to be called on it. I have been.
But that's what we do with each other right?
Mouthy, I am sorry if you thought that this was directed at YOU. It was not.
It was the culmination of watching several posters over several months being downright rude to my Catholic friends.
I am honestly sorry if you felt otherwise.
Mouthy, I am sorry if you thought that this was directed at YOU. It was not.
It was the culmination of watching several posters over several months being downright rude to my Catholic friends.
I am honestly sorry if you felt otherwise.
Thank you I thought it was at me. I accept yor apology & render the same to you I am sorry for getting "ticked" lets & make up
Sad emo
emo's RC origins have been deeply insulted tonight too on a completely different thread though
Damn, mouthy, you are a feisty one!!!
Are you really 80? Hope I'm still as kickin' then.
Yes, I was talking with a catholic friend the other day and she had a lot of insight into the protestant movement and how the celibate preist thing came about, and the corruption in the catholic church at the time, the "hatred" of mary-worship etc. etc.
Seems like the protestants (and dubs) still harbor a lot of resentment about the practices of the catholic church. Is this something that the church does NOW that angers the protestants or is it a hold-over from reformation times??
I am curious.