Some JW parents don't deserve to be parents!!!

by Es 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    At least mine don't anyway.

    Ive been thinking of there behaviour towards me for the last few weeks, and Im just so over them being my parents. When Mike and I went to the hosp on Wed night after my nan had passed away, I tried to comfort my mum, she hardly wanted me to touch her. I didnt even look at my dad for the first half n hour we were there. Once all the extended fam had left, they talked to us for a bit about nan and stuff going on.

    We walked out of the hosp together I went to kiss my mum and she out her hand out to shake my hand, I kissed her anyway, I went to kiss my dad he allowed me but didnt kiss me back.

    Today mum had put a notice in the paper, there were no mention of me, of my children, all of us were very close to my nan. It just boggles my mind how indecent they are. I dont know whether they do it to hurt me on puropse or not.

    I said to Mike im seriously thinking of putting a death notice in with my parents names at the top, and saying you are both dead in my heart. Thats how I feel right now!!!


  • JK666


    I am so sorry that you had to endure the coldness exhibited by your parents at the funeral.


  • Es

    The funeral is still yet to come, my mother in law is coming which im very grateful for, she even sent my mum and dad a card, which is more than they who are supposed loving christians would do for her.

  • Gopher

    Sorry Es, this is way too common for us ex-dub kids. Our parents have a strange combination of fear of the organization and stubbornness, trying to get us to bend their way or else they'll treat us like non-people.

    My sister and I have a new name for our bio-parents: "parental units".

  • megsmomma

    I am so sorry Es. I wish they would be normal parents for you. It really is heartbreaking to endure.

  • JK666


    Sorry, I meant to say hospital.

    I am glad that you will be getting support from the other side of the family. The JW service is a tough one to sit through, as it is basically a recruitment drive. Very little is said about the deceased.


  • The-Borg

    Sorry to hear that Es, self righteousness is the justification to treat people like crap. what happened to the golden rule. Shame on them.

  • Es

    jk666- It wont be a JW funeral thank goodness, my nan was never a JW but it will be interesting to see what is said about her. When I went to the hosp there were two elders outside her room I gave them the biggest dirty look, they had absolute no reason to be there. And God help me if there are any JW's at her funeral.


  • Angharad


    Sorry you are going through this and being treated so badly

    You could put your own notice in the paper, a tribute to your nan from her loving grand-daughter and great grandchildren, it would maybe remind them you are part of the family and be something nice from you in memory of your nan

  • flipper

    ES- I'm so sorry your mom and dad acted so heinously to you and your husband . Just please remember one thing. By you and hubby showing normal human caring and decency and love to them, you are teaching them a valuable lesson, whether they admit it or not. You have shown them that there are very loving, decent people outside the Jehovah's Witness religion, and that "they " the witnesses do not have the market cornered when it comes to showing love. Also , you have successfully shown your mom and dad, that not being a witness didn't turn you into a bad person, probably turned you into a much better person. But, don't lower yourself to their lack of caring or possible mudslinging. Shows you guys are better people by rising above it. I have witness parents too, my wife and I just gave a good anti-witness to them being there for my mom's surgery. They were impressed. So, keep your chin up. The more caring you show for your parents , it might just wear them down in their prejudiced views. Good luck to you and peace to you, peace out, Mr. Flipper

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