Finally ran into some JW'S after 10 months of being disfellowship. It took me by shock and storm. I wasnt expecting to see any that day..since i went to a Wal-mart way outside my area..but dang there they were a brother with his wife i use to play basketball with! They were going in with a basket and were walking so damn if they saw me..and wanted me to pass them up..for they can shun me. So to avoid them i walked 10 times slower than them..and suddenly they stop in the middle of the on purpose waiting for me to pass them up again..which pissed me went around the other way instead of forward. They were in the food section where i was attending to shop at..damn..i wasnt gonna waste time playing cat and i shopped cautiously and got the stuff i needed very quickly so i can get out. I went around the frozen section and there they were..i needed to get my orange juice..i did a 360 and went the other direction and waited for a minute so they can leave. It was strange that i couldnt pass by them knowing they gonna shun me..but deep down felt as if they would speak..but i know they wouldnt.
I couldnt pass by them
by Blackboo 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Everybody decides for themself what to do. If it were me (and remember it isn't, so I just assume)
I would probably go right up behind them and between them and put my arms around them and say,
"Hey, Dick and Jane Smith, it is great to see you again. How are you?"That would cause them to make a ridiculous scene of trying to shun you. Or they would have to
acknowledge you and get away fast.I have decided that if I am DF'ed (or shunned) I will let them be the silly looking ones. I am free to
be who I am. -
Anytime I see any JWs I put on the biggest smile that I can and look them straight in the eye. Sometimes I say something. Sometimes I don't, but I am not going to let them make me feel inferior, guilty, or unhappy.
Your story was too funny. Sorry, I know it probably disturbed you, but one day, you'll laugh about it too. Anyway, I've done both, ignored them and said Hi. I don't have to treat them they way they treat me. Shunning is their thing, not mine. Have fun next creative....let us know what you try out the next time.
god dosent ask his people to shun ........... his people. and he dosent ask you to put up with their crap...........
i know its not time for you to have boldness and to screw with them directly......... but next time............ go to the marital planning section and get some magnum condoms then go to the fruit section and get the biggest phalic shaped fruits or veggies you can find and walk right up to them and drop the items into their cart.... and smile like the fox in the hen house and walk away.
That would make a statement. I use to count the money wit this brotha in the backroom. We had this talk like anyone can get disfellowship and we have to do our best as Jehovah's servants. I wanted to laugh when he said that..i knew deep down inside something wasnt right. I actually was on good terms with this guy till i thought about the time he told me about my goatee..talkin about LOOK around the congregation in a sarcastic nasty tone. This is when i was starting to go to the kingdom hall..that comment really made me upset..but i continued for 4 years. Im a think about that idea next time..with the pretty sure im a run into someone again who rubbed me the wrong way.
Not wanting to sound like I know your situation better than you do, but is it possible that this couple has also cooled off "the Truth" and were thus interested to speak with you? I just find it unusual that they would want to stick around to snub their former friend. Not that it is impossible.
Hey don't beat yourself up, it's a really weird situation. Hopefully you'll toughen up to it. If you don't think this is too sad, practice smiling, waving, going up and saying hi. They're the freaks who have to pretend you're invisible. If you're lucky there will be a group of people around who will see them panic and pretend you're a ghost.
Hold your head high. They don't deserve you!
I meant to add, I like to think that as a former friend is walking away from me, pretending I'm not there, I remember to shout out:
"You're going to grow old and die!"
Not that I would, but thinking about it makes me feel better.
Why let them dictate how and where you shop? It's their problem not yours. they are in the cult, you escaped. I say, give em hell and show no mercy. Did they show mercy to you? Take charge of your life. Own who you are.