Giving liberals the 'boot'

by Rex B13 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    See no evil

    Bill O'Reily--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    BERKELEY, Calif. – America's most liberal city has come through again. By a vote of 5 to 4, the Berkeley City Council has approved a resolution demanding that the federal government stop bombing Afghanistan.

    Instead, the council endorsed a "police action" to apprehend Osama bin Laden. When asked what exactly that "action" would be, Councilwoman Dona Spring was vague. "We must follow the rule of law," she opined.

    Now, we've been hearing this kind of mindless nonsense from Berkeley for more than 40 years. But this time something very interesting happened.

    Immediately after Ms. Spring appeared on my television program "The O'Reilly Factor," Americans began canceling hotel reservations they had made in Berkeley. Also, a number of business contracts were terminated, according to the mayor. It seems the political correctness that dominates the Berkeley power structure is simply not acceptable anymore to many Americans.

    The same thing happened in Rocklin, Calif., a suburb of Sacramento. There, an elementary school principal put up a sign on the school grounds that said "God Bless America."

    There are more than 600 students in the school and one parent objected to the sign. She contacted the ACLU and it complained. The principal stood firm and would not remove the sign. Litigation may result.

    But here's the kicker: The woman who contacted the ACLU has been ostracized by her community. Her little girl is no longer able to go to school because the other kids are angry with her. That, of course, is a shame. But it demonstrates that the majority of Americans are in no mood for irrational nonsense.

    "God Bless America" is a patriotic slogan. It does not encourage church going or spirituality or religious ritual. The powers at the ACLU don't refuse to accept U.S. currency, do they? Maybe they haven't noticed the words "In God We trust" on that currency.

    There has been an enormous change in the thinking of everyday Americans since the terror attacks began. No longer do many of us accept the pressure tactics of paranoid special-interest groups. And we are fighting irrational thinking with our words and our wallets.

    Here's how bad it is in Berkeley and other places bordering the land of Oz: The pacifist line is that we can win "the hearts and minds" of our enemies with love and understanding.


    Seventy percent of Afghans are illiterate. Even if we drop food on them, they can't read the messages that go with it. How are we supposed to convince them that we are not hostile? By dropping the Phonics Game?

    Few in the Islamic nations have television. And if they do, they get a steady diet of "Omar's World" because the government controls the programming. Omar doesn't like Americans and even Phil Donahue can't change that.

    The appeasers and the wind-chime people see the world the way they'd like it to be, not the way it is. The terrorists love Berkeley, Calif., because many in that town "see no evil" no matter how brutal the situation.

    And unseen evil can grow and get stronger. Thank God most of America sees that fact very clearly.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas



  • Yerusalyim

    The O'Reily Factor is the Heat, BILL O'REILY for President (when W. is done, of course.

    I think we've found someone Democrats and various other liberals can love to hate, our new Rush Limbaugh.

    Instead, the council endorsed a "police action" to apprehend Osama bin Laden. When asked what exactly that "action" would be, Councilwoman Dona Spring was vague. "We must follow the rule of law," she opined.
    Typical, long on criticism, short on viable solutions. Dona Spring, we ARE following the rule of law, if not, sue the government.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Seeker

    What rubbish.

    "God Bless America" is a patriotic slogan. It does not encourage church going or spirituality or religious ritual.

    ROFL! Yeah, right. I find that phrase extremely offensive, no, more like laughable, as if God would be interested in America.

    Berkeley isn't saying "see no evil," even though I don't agree with them. They want to see bin Laden captured, just like Bush. The difference is they don't want to see Afghanistan bombed in addition. I happen to think that this is the only way they will be able to capture bin Laden (if that even works), although I'm sure this will cause many future foreign relation problems.

    bin Laden is not Afghan. The Taliban aren't Afghans. The Afghan people are not the problem here, only those who have taken over their country.

    And this is not a war, no matter how much propaganda is published saying otherwise. A crime was committed, albeit a massive crime. The people responsible are criminals, not war heroes for their side. If you call this a war, you make them into warriors, not the criminals they are.

    Bill O'Reilly could have criticized the Berkeley decision in a logical, factual manner, for I believe there are points of criticism that could be lobbed at them. Instead he decided to use inflammatory rhetoric and half-truths to make his point. I hope all his fans can see that he is not neutral as he claims, but is in fact just another right-wing bigot (just as there are left-wing bigots in the world). Only a bigot would resort to half-truths to make a point.

  • Hojon

    O'Reilly needs to back to "A Current Affair" where at least his straw man arguments won't be watched by anyone.

    Big whoop. Seeing as how the country is about evenly divided between conservatives and liberals, and 90% of the country supports the military response to the attacks, lumping all liberals in with these nutcases as Berkely is stupid. All it does is show how partisan a person is and how little they pay attention to actual facts.

  • Norm


    "God Bless America" is a patriotic slogan. It does not encourage church going or spirituality or religious ritual.

    God is indeed doing a great job as Americas "chief of security". He let it rain down "blessings" from the sky. The first "blessings" came September 11 and after all the praying he has even sent anthrax, what blessings, eh?.

    Who knows what blessings he has in store for America later? Smallpox or an Atomic bomb? You sure are making tons of new friends over there in Afghanistan.

    Well maybe not, right now God is too busy "blessing" Afghanistan and I am sure they are praying like beavers over there and as we can all see it really helps.

    It is interesting to see all the signs all over the US these days where God is ordered to "bless" America. No one bothers to add a May, or Please, in front of the order. Seem pretty arrogant to me but God has to watch it unless he wants America to be pissed at him, they might nuke the guy.


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Seeker,

    What is more generic than 'God bless America'? It suited Tom Jefferson and a few others just fine.

    Hi Norm,
    Oh come on, Norm. We in America (most of us) know that we have no corner on 'God', that we have a free country and not a theonomy or theocracy, only the rabid few contend that we are the 'New Israel'.
    Even us S.B.C. fundies are strong supporters of 'freedom OF religion'. The phrase came about as a song title and is nothing about demanding anything.
    BTW, I see that most of the Norwegians heartily support our efforts to crush the terrorists. I guess it will not hit home to you until your local pub gets bombed or some anthrax arrives by courier.

  • Ranchette

    I understand that the slogan "God Bless America" is said to be mainly a patriotic statement and not really meant to be taken that Americans think they deserve Gods blessing more than any other country.But that's what it sounds like to other countries.

    The statement I believe is meant to help the country pull together and feel more like a family. Comforted and secure.

    But I still don't feel comfortable with it personally.
    First I don't believe in an interactive God and second even If I did it sounds selfish to ask God to bless my country when it would be just as easy to ask him to bless and protect the entire planet.

    I think we should have learned along time ago that our welfare and security is dependent on the stability of the whole world.

    Just my opinions though.


  • jelly

    This is mostly a test post to see if my pic is working but here it goes.

    I am a democrat but I believe that Bush is doing a fine job and that Iraq needs to be next. I agree you should not dump all people that lean a little to the left in with Berzerkly.

    I like Bill O'reilly (sp?), I don’t always agree with him but I do watch his show. He does give people the opportunity to respond and he will tackle issues that are politically incorrect.

    Let’s see, oh God bless America. This does not offend me in anyway, I think its just a saying like long live the empire or saying bless you after someone sneezes. I see the whole issue as a big deal about nothing.

    That’s it just some random responses.


  • sf

    Bill is just about on my shit-list. Hannity is close to follow. They sure do a lot of talking about "we report, you decide", yet it simply is NOT the case. You will get "reports" THEY decide WE should see. That is fraudulent in many degrees, imo. I do not want them deciding what is reported to me. I want ALL the news. I want to decide what I see. I want my emails read on air Bill! I want FOXNEWS to live up to their motto. Stop kissing The Rocks ass, for once! Get on with reporting the NEWS; ALL BREAKING NEWS THAT EFFECTS ALL PEOPLE.


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