Firstly, I will fill you in.
My friend's marriage split up in March. Both of them were raised as JW's, but I believe only my friend went to the meetings because his wife didn't want to go.
Anyway, I believe that my friend started suffering with his health because he was taking on extra work to look after his wife and daughter to cover the debts that she had accumulated. Anyway, in March she left, claimed Domestic Violence and has left him in all sorts of debt (she had been running up credit card bills) . He has not seen his daughter since then, suffered with pneumonia and is at present trying to deflect the volley of slanderous allegations aimed at him. My friend is one of the nicest people I know and he has suffered dreadfully.. He has become a nervous wreck. He has stopped attending meetings as members of her family (who are JW's in good standing) have gossiped about him around the congregations and supported her lies.
His wife has since launched divorce proceedings and appeared on a JW Dating website claiming that she is divorced - when she isn't. As far as I'm aware, there are no scriptural grounds for divorce and considering the lies she has told, the whole farce that she is now claiming to be a JW in good standing is almost laughable. The Elder arrangement are also reluctant to do anything, so what punishment is there?
If you wish to see the profile, let me know via PM but I won't post it on here.