I was on this website that loaded this crap trojan horse called WinAntiSpyware on my computer and it ended up making my computer unbootable. Would I be able to do a repair install on my computer and then install antivirus software on the repaired computer?
Computer Security Advice
by ColdRedRain 31 Replies latest jw friends
Have you tried booting into safe mode (hitting F8 on boot)? You could probably download antivirus and spyware software and run it.
Just another reason to run linux :)
You could try two other things, 1.) Do a "System Restore" back to Yesterday's date, i.e. if you got the virus today. or 2.) get an anti-virus program installed and download the latest anti-virus definitons and scan your PC to hopefully catch it.
Your idea, I have no answer to that one. Hopefully someone in here knows more than me?
Well, I would try all those solutions except the computer does. not. boot. at. all.
Homerovah the Almighty
Trojans usually will let you boot but then hijack your system in an other way
can you at least boot into safe mode ?
And why were you running a system without an anti-virus program anyways.
Again. I. Cannot. Boot. Windows. At. All. And I did have an antivirus program, it was AVG and AVG didn't pick up the virus because it's so new.
Once you get your computer going go to this site .
I use it on all my computers and it catches all that crap.
Good luck.
edited to add: Oops I didn't see your last post as I was typing you posted it.
Homerovah the Almighty
what OS are you using
Does it at least post when you hit the power button ?
I don't mean to be rude, but how does installing a program after the fact answer the question of if I can do a repair install on the hard drive or not?
Re: OS. I'm using Windows XP home edition, hence WinAntiSpyware.
Homerovah the Almighty
Goggling this virus it states that it will let you boot, so you must have another problem either than that
I'm sorry to say, the computer might have a hardware problem
Do you at least have any power there ?