automatic weapons and things

by radar 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    As a matter of interest, how easy or difficult is it to purchase weapons in America?

    I see films like Terminator, where it appears you can buy anything from rocket launchers to Kalashnikov AK 74s.

    Can someone educate me on this?


  • Hojon

    You can't buy automatic weapons, but I could pick up a rifle in about a half hour from now, including driving time. All those guns he bought in the movie could be bought about as easily as you saw in the movie, except for handguns. I don't think he bought any automatic weapons, but it's been a while since I saw it.

    BTW nice to see a fellow M*A*S*H reference nickname on here. :smile:

  • ring

    rocket launchers might be a little far fetched.
    as far as military semi-automatic weapons, if you have the cash,
    haven't commited a felony (yet), and pass an FBI background check
    (usually takes up to three days) you can own about any firearm that is not fully automatic.laws vary between states.
    That is the legal way to own a gun in the U.S.
    Criminals know, all it takes is money, and you can by pass the rest.

  • Celtic

    Hello Craig

    How you be doing, i just posted on that old board a half hour back.

    Really? That easy? Just as well I didn't ever live Stateside then, otherwise I thinks I might have blown my brains out many times over by now.

    Good to hear you around. Take care matey!!

    Cornwall UK

  • bboyneko

    In the movie the terminator modifies guns to become fully automatic. To obtain a fully automatic weapons would be about as hard as scoring some heroin, gotta know the right people and be willing to pay big bucks

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It used to be that you could buy a rifle or shotgun and take it home the same day. Now there's a waiting period for rifles and shotguns just as there is for handguns.

    An automatic weapon ("fully automatic") is one that keeps firing as long as the trigger is depressed. It is legal to own fully automatic weapons IFF (if and only if) you have a permit from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). I think a permit costs a few hundred dollars.

    A semi-automatic weapon reloads itself after each shot (until it's magazine is empty) but does not fire continuously. The trigger must be pulled for each shot. Semi-automatics are available as pistols or rifles.

    You can buy a semi-automatic version of an AK-47 in any decent gun shop, just as you can buy a semi-automatic version of the M-16 called the "mini-14" in any gun shop. For about $13,000 you can buy a semi-automatic .50 caliber sniper rifle.

    Bolt-action rifles have a magazine of bullets, but after each shot the bolt must be unlocked and cycled to eject the spent cartridge and push a fresh cartridge into place.

    Single shot rifles and pistols have to be opened an reloaded after each shot.

    "I'm the NRA."

  • Bendrr

    You can own a fully-automatic firearm. You have to pay a $200 tax and obtain a permit from the B.A.T.F. for each weapon. They're called "class 3" weapons, and "class 3" also includes supressed weapons (guns with silencers). However you cannot buy a non-full-auto or non-suppressed gun and get permission to convert it. Don't ask me why, you just can't.
    That doesn't stop a whole lot of people. The Chinese-made SKS rifle, very inexpensive and popular in the early 90's, is very easily converted to full-auto. It's also a very common practice. (I know, I have one)
    Depending on which state you live in, you can still buy a gun and take it home the same day if you have a valid firearms license. Here in Georgia, I have one and don't have to wait to buy a gun.
    By the way, Nathan, the Mini-14 is not a civilian version of the M-16. The civilian version of the M-16 is the AR-15. The Mini-14 is a different animal altogether. But they do look pretty cool in "The A-Team".

  • Hojon

    Hi Mark- yeah I saw your post but that Network54 server seems to be very slow today so I'm laying low over there for now.

    Where do you live that there is a waiting period to buy rifles? Here is WA there is no waiting period, you just show up and buy it.

  • Skimmer

    Firearms laws exist at the Federal and state levels, and there are also county and city/town laws in some jurisdictions.

    A good synopsis:

    "NRA Life Member"

  • Eyebrow

    If you have 25 bucks you can get a nifty little BB gun at Walmart and intimidate neighborhood frogs and squirrels.


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