I believe we are all waves upon the one ocean...and we are that ocean. we are reality which is dreaming about itself...and the Generator Of Dreams.
who believes, as I do, that they are GOD and in what sense?
by the dreamer dreaming 21 Replies latest jw friends
o....i believe
I believe we are closest to God or understanding God or being God like when we feel one with creation, connecting to the earth and then the universe it is a gradual understanding and a reaching to the oneness of the whole universe and everything in it. God to me is in all creation and when something is dying or is sick it effects God and therefore effects us, we can be the masters of our own destiny, but God still must be in union with us through his creation.
I know I'm crazy but that's how I see it.
I have put forth many times here that I believe it is a possibility that we are God. I say we are spirits having human experiences. God fragmented himselves in to us his children and we materialize because this is where the action is. A movie that touches on my beliefs is "What Dreams may come" with Robin Williams.
I stop short of saying this is my belief, though.
After 31 years as a witness, 10 years as a christian, and today an agnostic. I dont believe in anything.
I see this experiece as a world of possiblities some more probable than others.
But the possiblilitie of us being God is high up on my list of maybe 10 different possiblities explaing our exhistence.
Tyrone van leyen
I beleive, that we are made of God in the sense that as a collective we have been formed from energy converted into mass. This is from the equation E=mc squared.
All things that live and all forms of consciousness, are significant. Not just our consciousnes but even the experince of an ant or a squid. This all makes up part of a conscious collective that adds to the experience of the universe. We are only a small part of that whole in our existence. What we in fact are, is the universe trying to understand itself.
I beleive that if time is infinite than the possibilties are infinite. All possibities must must tried, in the full experience of the collective consciousnes of the universe.
As a whole one being entity, God cannot exist in the loneliness, and madness containing all these possibilities.
In the end, I beleive that the universe is expanding and contracting almost like a breating rythym. We know the universe is expanding by measuring the distance light has traveled through the red light in the spectrum. It must return to its original form at some time and then the universe will start over again trying new possibilites. I might be you next time, Or we could have the same life all ocer again exactly the same exept the period at the end of this sentence might be one millimetre to the left.
All things Good and bad make up what the universe is. You can't have one without the other, for wherever there is a positve charge in nature there is also a negative. It just is.
Tyrone van leyen
Hmmm. So thats what I am.
I don't know I think it's just realism mixed with science and a consious dimesion added to it. It doesn't offer hope in the fundamentalist sense only in that the possibilites are endless. Life and death, are just opposites like good and evil. It about balance, in excepting that everything is as it shlould be. Everything might be seen as something beyond our control, if you reason that we are biochemical,mathematical formulas playing themselves out in a sequence of events that are predetermined.
It can only logically happen that way, because all the prior events that led up to where we are. We have no way to control that my hand will not reach over and grab your coffe cup.
All the things in my life that I did, where my parents came from, and the genes I carry, have brought me into your living room and sat me down beside you, and those farmers who grew the coffe beans that ended up in my cup have finally made me reach over and grab the cup. There was nothing I could do about it. It was mathematically predetermined.
So why sweat it. We didn't get a choice. You could say, "well yes, but you made a choice to grab the cup. Well not really! There was a biochemical equation unfolding. Some form of Biochemical reaction that made me have that thought. I am not sitting in control manipulating these forces am I? If so Then what is" I?" I think I is energy energy that is form from soup. Each one of us being a unique soup in our make up.
Did I have any choice, of being born a Jehovahs witness. No, that was all determined by my parents and there biochemical, and reactive enviornment.
Have you heard anything novel in these thoughts, Inquisitor. Curious how you see things
Each one of us being a unique soup in our make up.
Well I have to say that this line is unique!! lol
I don't have the kind of confidence in humanity that most people do to be able to accept that they can attain the divine. I am very skeptical of people who claim to achieve Enlightenment, esp when they do it without the aid of chemical stimulants! But I suppose that is what makes me me. At times I'm not proud of this cynicism. Other times, I realise that I'm a good predictor of worse-case-scenarios. I ramble. Sorry.
Pandeism is fascinating. I find that it is an immediately satisfying response to the God vs Problem of Evil debate. I see no credibility in the teaching that there is a personal, participating (some say interfering), patriarchal God in this cosmos.
thedreamerdreaming wrote: "I believe we are all waves upon the one ocean...and we are that ocean. we are reality which is dreaming about itself...and the Generator Of Dreams."
Tyrone van leyen
Interesting Parakeet. I think the problem with that beleif for me is seeing the divinty in the evil that makes up part of our universe. I for myself reject evil. Perhaps this is the way I'm made, but it it energy nonetheles, positive energy. At least as positive as I can make it in world of opposites. All energy has to go someplace. I would prefer my energy to be posotive, for the span of eternity, but I may have no choice, in the next reicarnation. You see, everything that makes you who you are, can be found in the organic compounds of the earth. All it is, is a matter, of waiting trillions of years after the big cruch comes for evolution and time to reshape us into some other form. In death there is no time or awarnes of this ongoing ryhtm so death is simply the process of being born all over again. Will it be a carry over of the old enrgy you had, good or bad? Or will the universe keep its blance and give you the opposite this next time?