I hope so, if only because I want to use the same guilt trips on them that they have used on us. Ruining children's lives, keeping single people apart from the opposite sex, helping contribute to poverty and stagnation, wasting gas and energy, polluting the environment with their printing presses, telling blatant science lies, plunging man (or at least those they succeed in controlling) into the Dark Ages--that ought to be enough to make anyone with half a conscience feel guilt.
And rightly, so. Unlike feeling guilty for masturbating or setting up a Christmas tree, what these humanoids did really is harming people's lives, the environment, and the economy. Even a common criminal is more righteous than these monsters, since they are not doing their crimes in the name of some "higher cause" like Jehovah's issues. I hope those monsters end up with the worst possible place in Hell, or some ostracism wasteland where all there are is other men (and a L-O-N-G time to think of all the damage and disvalue they created).