hi everyone ( "a great crowd .... ?") with my first ever post .... I discovered this site a couple of wks ago and have lurking nearly every day since! Wow - what a fantastic forum - really impressed with the support and VALIDATION I see here. 9 yrs out this year (story later ) and thinking how good it would have been to have a support network like this when I was doubting, struggling ...drifting out. After all - who can you safely talk to when you have doubts ?? Its not like questioning whether you want to stay in a job/ career - it wouldnt usually be "unsafe "to talk to family / friends re that ! The experiences (ha ..sounds like witness-speak) wisdom and support have really impressed me ... enough to want to share some thoughts. Looking forward to hanging out with you all for a while. E
first post
by enz 27 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome enz, nice to see you post and we look forward to hearing more about your experiences with the JWs. It is no doubt beneficial to share emotions within an understanding community, emotions such as those raised when leaving a tightly controlling cultic group.
Welcome to JWD enz!
Wow - what a fantastic forum - really impressed with the support and VALIDATION I see here.
You're in the right place all right, looking forward to chatting with you some more.
Locutus of Borg
Welcome enz! I am looking forward to your story and your posts!
Here is a link with part of my story: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/136786/2437821/post.ashx#2437821
Good Morning, enz. Welcome and it's good to have you here. I've been here for about 4 months and I have enjoyed every month of it. You're in good company.
Madame Quixote
Welcome to the Tree Of Knowledge, enz!
Welcome Enz. Its so true there is no one to turn to when we have doubts, thats why this board is so fantastic.
Im glad you found us.
Welcome, enz!
Welcome enz
Welcome Enz glad that you are here with us apostates.