Does anyone read "The Onion"? I found this article and wanted to share it. Did anyone have a similar experience? I, for one, did not lose my virgnty on my wedding night, however our first time together was quite similar. Check it out!
A beautiful wedding night shared by Christian virgins
by sweetface2233 13 Replies latest social humour
LOL @ their explicit rendition
emy the infidel
LOL LOL "Holy Christ Almighty Lutheran Church"! LOL
Sweetface, I read that years ago and forgot where it was. It's a good one. Maybe The Onion will do an update, and we'll find out if he ever, "touched her *** with his hand..." LOL
Haha, that's a good one. I used to read The Onion every week a few years ago though their articles started getting pretty dull. Some of their new video articles are good though.
Here's one you might like: U.S. Out of My Uterus vs. We Must Deploy Troops To Jessica Linden's Uterus Immediately -
Bumble Bee
This can't be for real?????
add seen at the top: ''Jesus is my car insurance'' ROTFL!
Come on! Do you write/photoshop this????
too funny...oompa
this is a joke, like the xjws who wrote "are cats for Christians?". it's a joke. been around for some time.
So funny