Well if you divorce there's no re-marrying unless you can show your Ex has commited adultery. Do they expect video footage, or pictures like the"Cheaters" style T.V show. Do you need "2 Witnesses" as the bible states. In most Congs. they take your word for it, there is no investigation made, even for ex-worldly people. What's your experience?
Witness Divorce= How do you "prove" to Elders you can re-marry?
by Witness 007 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A related question is: If you do remarry while you are not "free to remarry", then you would probably be DF'ed for it. But what should you do to get reinstated? Divorce the person? Proclaim your repentance and thus undermine your marriage?
The elders had to get a signed letter from the parents of my soon-to-be daughter-in-law stating that they knew for a fact that her jerk ex-husband was living with another woman (in another state) before the elders would release her to marry our son.
Homerovah the Almighty
Some again of their stupid policies
They are trying to live in accordance with 2000 year old social morals and laws. The world has changed dramatically since that time, has it not.
When my parents divorced my mom (not a witness) decided not to date until my dad (a witness) did because she knew my sister (a witness and much in support of my dad) would hold it against her unless our sainted father did it first proving it was okay. (I also think my mom knew the rules of the religion and relished putting my dad in the quandry he was now in.) Well, my dad wouldn't date because my mom had never cheated on him so their divorce was not 'scriptural' yet, my mom was the one who had pursued it, not him. My guess is that this decision was discussed with the elders, though I don't know that, tis only speculation on my part.
So... for several years there was a standoff. Finally, my dad talked to the elders and my understanding is that they came to the conclusion that there was clearly not going to be a reconciliation and so allowed my dad to start dating again. My guess is that this would not have been the decision had my mom been a witness, though that is, again, speculation on my part. So my dad, the witness, started dating and got engaged before there was ever any type of "proof" that he could re-marry again... and he did so with the elders' approval.
then you would probably be DF'ed for it. But what should you do to get reinstated
interesting thread this one... It was not until 5 years ago that I found out the reason that a JW cannot be DF for marrying a non-JW....there is no way to demonstrate repentence. They won't DF a person for something that repentance cannot be demonstrated by actions. As marriage is supposedly Jehovah's arrangement, that law supercedes even the GB/Borg law about not marrying out of the "Truth (TM)" Thus no DF....(after my dad died, my mom married a nonJW...best move she ever made)
On the topic at hand though, As an example, Sister A would likely be DF for marrying another man when she was not yet scripturally (although legally) free. Then the only way for Sister A to be reinstated (and demonstrating a humble repentant attitude...read that "cowering submissive sister") would be if their former mate, Brother A, (whom she unscripturally but legally left)...would either have to (a) die or (b) remarry. Once Sister A remarries, Brother A would be free to remarry.. Once Brother A remarries or dies, then Sister A (or whatever letter she is now..LOL) would no longer be considered in an adulterous marriage and would be free to apply for reinstatement. Does that make any damn sense (as much as BorgLogic makes sense?!!)
Yet, what if Brother A cheated on her, ...how does she get proof of that? Brother A tells his wife what he did but refuses to, for whatever reason, confess it to the Elders? In a world with so many crazy diseases, why would she go back to him? But without proof, she can at best....only get a separation, or a legal divorce in the eyes of the Borg....but she is doomed to remain unmarried after that...even though it was not her fault?!! What kind of love is that? So she is doomed to be a single spinster the rest of her life until a) or b) happens or c) he gets caught or confesses? What about her physical and emotional needs? The heck with em. Best case scenario for Sister A...divorce Brother A AND the Watchtower Society. Freedom from both in one fell swoop.
As a side note, I often wonder how a Dub who takes blood can be DF'd....how do they demonstrate repentance?....suck the blood back out of their bodies? Wait for the normal human systems to replace the "bad" blood with their own and then beg forgiveness? What a load of horse crap.
See, this is why I had tried to quit posting so much, I get pissed off.... at least I avoided angry tone and use of thinly disguised F word...LOL....maybe I am making progress after all?
Snakes ()
snakes - "on the floor laughing my a$$ off" pretty much says it all.
Justitia Themis
I submitted cell phone records of my ex-husband's long, late-night telephone calls to his secretary at her home.
wha happened?
I was trapped in that quandry for a while when the ex left. Sisters wanted to go out with me but without a confession from the ex I couldn't do much. After a while some sisters didn't care and we went out anyways.
When I eventually met my current wife the ex had been found out and I was scriptually free, although my legal divorce was still pending. No one cared and we dated anyways.
In regards to the JW who leaves their non-JW mate, most JW's wouldn't bat an eye at the JW dating again even without proof. It's assumed that the wordly mate is already sleeping around since that's how they view wordly people anyways. Also I've seen other issues such as stealing not get much attention because the person they were stealing from was not a JW.
Amnesty Vendor
This thread reminded me of a case that I was involved in.
We had a newly baptized sister in our congregation.
She was so sincere and wanted to do the right thing.
In an effort to justify her divorce,
she showed up at the KH with a ziploc baggy.
The PO and I held it up to the light.
Inside was a paper towel wrapping a used condom.
NO JOKE: She had actually dug through her ex's trash and brought this into the elders.
It's amazing that I forgot about that one.