Go Seahawks!!!
Are You Watching Football Today?
by snowbird 27 Replies latest social physical
Massacre by the bay, 23-3 final. They will try to blame it on the bad sushi.
Watched my Steelers get whooped by Arizona. Can't win them all!
It was an enjoyable game and the better team today is the one that won.
What I really enjoyed was.....it was sort of a battle of the coaches. Wisenhut (sp) vs. Tomlin.
What I didn't like was Big Ben ignoring Wisenhut when Ken went and hugged and shook hands with most of the Steeler organization before the game. What gives with that?
Eagles and Giants right now!!!
Show them what you're working with, McNabb.
Just watched Ohio state verses Minn...and of course we won (30-7)
GO BUCKS!!!!!!
Sooners won! This shows you how much I watch the actual games when they are on.
P.S. yes, I live in Texas and love who ever the Longhorn are playing against that week. Go Texas Tech!
I may never watch football again after Monday night's game.
keyser soze
I may never watch football again after Monday night's game.
Think how us cheeseheads feel after Sunday night. That was a meltdown of epic proportion.