You're right, Megsmomma, we are very vocal. I've thought about why I am so anti-JW now, when I was raised in it
and indoctrinated to believe it was the only religion of which God approved. Other people leaving their childhood
faiths don't have this kind of fervor. What is it exactly? I think it's the self-righteous attitude and the cavalier way
they just destroy the lives of people and divide families, the whole time telling you this is what Jehovah expects
you to do if you are to gain everlasting life in his New World (or is it New System, or New Order....their termininology
changes periodically on this?)
I'm so vocal because I truly DO believe there is something sinister behind their motives and doctrines and it angers
me that my sister and other family members are so brainwashed and manipulated that they can't and won't even
try to examine this cult. What crazy religion would tell their members not to investigate the organization they are
depending on for their life?!! If it IS the Truth, what could they possibly find out that the org. doesn't want them to?
If the WTS is ashamed of their roots and their past, why not just explain it to their flock? Why try to hide it from
them? SOMETHING SINISTER INDEED. That's why I am so vocal.