The Watchtower has trained us be vocal apostate's!

by megsmomma 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • megsmomma

    I was thinking about how "against" the watchtower so many are. We are outspoken about it and want people we love to get out too. We are very vocal about it...more so than a-lot of people are when they leave a religion. I think it is because we still have some of the mentality in us that we want to "save" people.

    We were trained to go to people's houses to get them out of "Babylon the Great" and now that we know the religion is a cult, we want to continue to help people out of false religion.

    I bet they regret training us so well!!

  • mrsjones5

    Karma's a bitch

  • oompa

    You are right momma. We have some skills if we applied ourselves to study. Vocal was my nature anyway, and this can really be unfortunate for a fading attempt, and for those around me.

    For me, I get more vocal when I have been: dupped, deceived, lied to, raised on a totally fraudulent Bible, now told to perpetuate the fraud even though they know it is a fraud, wasted zillions of hours/gas/tires perpetuating this fraud, judged by committed with total iq of 67, misseda college education, not planned as well for old age, told not to talk to my on df'd son and friends, guilted into mega donations..........................................................................oompa

    don't get me started on prudish sex


    Who would know the real truth more than us? We've been there, done that and can speak from experience. If that alone isn't a witness.


  • AuldSoul

    Vocal apostates with very incisive words. We know how to cut straight to the heart. And, thanks to the Internet, we meet and teach each other to be more capable apostates, to be more incisive, more creative, to have more approaches that the Reasoning book authors ever dreamed up ... to be much more effective at drawing people away from their cultic safety blanket.


  • Maddie

    OOMPA You summed up my feelings perfectly! Everyone who has been so thoroughly deceived and harmed by being a part of the WT cult is well equipped and justified in speaking out vehemently against what they are.


  • unique1

    Good point.

  • Gayle

    I'm sorry, the Watchtower "used" us well - we are people with good qualities, have always been, maybe vocal to whatever degree by nature, honest-hearted, the type to stand up for justice, but to our credit, "None" of my good stuff do I give credit to the WT. I applied my best stuff for that organization back then. Actually I am not a critical person by nature, however, the WT taught me "critical", that I have now, but it is all directed right back at the organization. I do believe, like Ray Franz said in his book, that there are good JWs there who are so in spite of the organization. I hope those ones 'find' us some day.

  • AuldSoul

    It is unnatural to speak to strangers about religion. If not for the WT teaching me to do that I don't know that I'd be very capable on that score. But they also trained me to be a vocal apostate by providing so much cause for being honestly repulsed by their religion, practices, interpretations, and so on.


  • journey-on

    You're right, Megsmomma, we are very vocal. I've thought about why I am so anti-JW now, when I was raised in it

    and indoctrinated to believe it was the only religion of which God approved. Other people leaving their childhood

    faiths don't have this kind of fervor. What is it exactly? I think it's the self-righteous attitude and the cavalier way

    they just destroy the lives of people and divide families, the whole time telling you this is what Jehovah expects

    you to do if you are to gain everlasting life in his New World (or is it New System, or New Order....their termininology

    changes periodically on this?)

    I'm so vocal because I truly DO believe there is something sinister behind their motives and doctrines and it angers

    me that my sister and other family members are so brainwashed and manipulated that they can't and won't even

    try to examine this cult. What crazy religion would tell their members not to investigate the organization they are

    depending on for their life?!! If it IS the Truth, what could they possibly find out that the org. doesn't want them to?

    If the WTS is ashamed of their roots and their past, why not just explain it to their flock? Why try to hide it from

    them? SOMETHING SINISTER INDEED. That's why I am so vocal.

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