On the way back from the grocery store....afternoon chuckle!!

by sweetstuff 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    I bet those two will never become JW's.

    Are they going to feature the latest wacktower and asleep magazines?

  • BFD

    I love it! That's so funny.

    It reminded me of a story about the kindest, sweetest sister in my KH when I was a kid. She got publicly reproved for handing out WT & Awakes to trick or treaters on Halloween. She never came back and I missed her a lot.


  • sweetstuff

    I bet those two will never become JW's.


  • oompa

    Just the thought is too funny! I love the threat---gimme candy or die at armegaddon! get it on video and have her make notes on her house to house record of what she gets.

    love it...oompa...ive never done it....sad

  • RisingEagle

    I love that your kids are sooo smart and see the humor in the idea of even being a jw! That's going to be one of the moments you guys can look back on, giggle at and treasure always. That totally trumps my idea of superglueing a long grey sock to my ankle biters nose and having her go as an elephant. j/k

    If she doesn't change her mind between now and the 31st you should steal one of the blank wacktower or asleeps from the photoshop threads and put something relevant to halloween on it like:

    CANDY: Is it really the most important meal of the day?

    PARENTS: Will giving my child extra candy help her make better grades?

    I'm sure you can come up with something better!


  • Numinous

    I don't think you will have to be afraid of offending anybody. People will love it! I would give the kid an extra handfull that's for sure.

  • changeling

    I like your kid!


  • avishai

    That's awsome. I LOVE giving my daughter stuff I did'nt get. I know, i know, living vicariously is bad, etc., etc,. But I still dig it.

  • helncon

    I had a good laugh...

    How bright is she !!!!!!


  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Wow.That's really friggin hilarious!While you're at it.Why not suggest she do Halloween as a Jew? Or Better yet....dress her up with a fake bomb, and have her go as a Islamic Jihhadist!...No....wait a minute....take a white sheet, and have her cut two holes in it, and call herself a junior member of the KKK! Yeah! All fun, and games.....I am an ex-JW with no intention of EVER going back....BUT.my wife, and young child are still active. I KNOW my Daughter would be crushed by such an ignorant portrayal of her heartfelt (albeit wrong) Beliefs. Why not take the opportunity to teach your young one about religous tolerance...and acceptance? Christ!......right when you think things might be getting better.....

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