The FDS claims that the dead saints have already been resurrected back in 1919 or thereabout, so why haven't the JWs, or Bible Students as they were then called, who were supposedly the living saints gone up with them?
According to Paul in Corinthians they should all go up to heaven at the same time.
Questiions that JW's can not answer
by TooBad TooSad 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Why is it that in some our your publications people are wearing ethnic clothing? Aren't some of these outfits tied to religous backgrounds?
With all the deliberate confusion on the issue of marrying after resurrection, I hadn't better find myself there and not being able to have any form of proper sex (and here, I am defining proper as being enjoyable and with the potential of fulfilling my biological needs, not as following any set of rules). It seems that they are putting up so many obstacles about marriage and sex that it is better just to not even be there. At least that way, I will not be in for an eternity of celibacy (=stagnation).
If the ressurected are to become like the angels, they will be different that is class distinction, and then the elders will be princes, wow all this equal and no one is better than anyone else really seems double standards to me. I can just visualise on paticular elder being a prince on the earth..geeeze I cant wait what the. And all the faithful men of old like Abraham who was the only one to be called Gods friend and John the Baptist, no one greater than him, what about Isaiah torn assunder, and then we have those of today, the elite at bethel and GB what the hell have they been through......class distinctions and faithful of old chatting it up with the suits of our day.
sounds unjust to me.
A few questions that has bugged me since I was a kid:
If Jehovah is eternal, then why did he wait so long to make the Earth?
If we are Jehovah's chosen children, "Made In His own image", etc, then why did he make such a huge Universe? If he was only going to populate Earth, then why did he make Billions of other planets?
How is it posible that all of the animals in the world, lived within walking distance of Noah's house?
- And, the question that bothered me when I was entering my teen years, and could grow facial hair:
Beards are discouraged in the congregation, yet why it that every male in the bible when pictured in a WTP book has a beard?
Welcome to the forum, TheKnyte!
A few questions that has bugged me since I was a kid:
If Jehovah is eternal, then why did he wait so long to make the Earth?
If we are Jehovah's chosen children, "Made In His own image", etc, then why did he make such a huge Universe? If he was only going to populate Earth, then why did he make Billions of other planets?
These questions bothered me as well, and I spent some time pondering them. My answer now is that he's simply not there and never was.
The question of Jehovah's eternal state has been debated here before, and this was my reply to this specific question, described the way I saw it when I still believed in God (click here to read that thread in its entirety).
As for the immense size of the universe and it's billions of stars and planets, I think I touched on it somewhere in this thread that I started.
The reason why beards are not allowed is because Rutherford said so, and this tradition has been adhered to down to this day.
That's the only reason.
There is no scriptural backing for the no beard rule.
You asked a very good question in your last paragraph.
I also wondered why those who did everything wrong under the sun and decided to join the religion are seen as so wonderful, whereas a young person who slips up with a minor infraction (minor in comparison to these people's major sins) is viewed in a very bad light. You are correct that they got it all 'out of their system' and have no more temptation and then they 'got religion' in their older age. I feel it is unfair to compare a mature adult with a youth. They are both somewhat different biologically (raging hormones versus kaput hormones) and so on.
My particular beef was similar to yours. I couldn't stand these selfish, complacent old farts in the hall some of whom were married twice. They did everything and saw everything twice and were expecting to have it all again in the 'new system'. But, yet they would be heard remarking that some young person shouldn't get married, as though it was any of their business.
LongHairGal, I couldn't agree more. Just using my dad as an example, he did everything he possibly could in his youth and then decided to become a JW at 40. I was born into the whole damn thing and I haven't done half of the crap he has, but yet he's supposedly much better than me because he's a JW and I'm not. I still haven't done half of the bad crap he has (and in some instances, continues to do), but just as long as you put on a suit 4 times a week and attend meetings, I guess you're good as far as the WTBTS is concerned.
OK, I know I didn't really pay attention all those years of going to the KH, but do they really believe that if a wife or husband dies before the Big A and are resurrected they can't be married anymore?
I remember this JW woman died in a MVA she was married and had 3 children all very young. My mom told me not to be sad because she was just sleeping and after her "short nap" Jehovah was going to resurrect her to be with her family again I asked her what if he her husband got remarried would he have to keep both wives? All I remember her saying is just wait, Jehovah will sort it all out . Stop asking so many questions......blah, blah, blah.
So can anyone answer my question?