edited to add...less than 20 different posters posted a ribbon wit 925 views? ...
we have another poster ernyw...who is matching Leslie's challenge with a grant of their own...
Tell you what, I will MATCH whatever purps calculates for the pink ribbon posting donations. I believe the fight is this important.
that's what Leslie needs...SUPPORT....
That doubles the money... I threw down a matching grant up to $100....that triples some of it... so in addition to posting ribbons, post a matching grant...even if its only a nickle or a dime per ribbon....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "trying to get the damn ribbon posted finally got it to work " Sheep Class)
Matching Challenge Grants to Date
Purplesofa (original challenge) ernyw, Snakes, ..... matching challenge
sad emo...sorry i missed that match earlier.