I disagree that a cult needs ONE charismatic leader. JWs do NOT have ONE charismatic leader. Plenty of Witnesses don't even now who the president is. Yet, JWs are a cult. The definition needs to be broadened to say a cult can have a charismatic or authoritarian ENTITY. That ENTITY coud be a person, or it could be an ideal (Concept perhaps?) or a BODY or Council (GB n FDS.) To say that a cult requires one PERSON as its leader is to miss the point of what a cult is. A cult is a cult for many different reasons, and a leader can be many different kinds of things, including A BOOK. Having one PERSON as a leader is not necessarily an element of cults. Many organizations heve one charismatic leader and are not a cult. Many cults have a governing council or a book (the Koran? the Bible?) or a concept (1914, the FDS) as their leader, yet they are still a cult because of how the rank and file interact with that leader or council.
"How Cults Work" -- A Comparison with Jehovah's Witnesses.
by B_Deserter 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The JWs are not just a religion but a cult because of the dictatorial nature of the org anyone criticising the leadership or its doctrines is promptly expelled, it seeks to tightly control the lives of its members and it systematically twists the Bible to fit its agenda.
Mainstream religions are not like that. -
the dreamer dreaming
count your fingers and where they are pointing... by such standards Jesus was certainly a cult leader of a suicide cult --take your cross and follow me. anyone who does not hate his father and mother and etc etc...cannot be my disciple. I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIGHT...etc. anyone who does not listen to the brothers...treat them like tax collectors.. etc etc etc. ** funny how JC is excluded from cult status, eh? if he was real, which I doubt, btw... he was a david koresh of his day.
<<<<<I disagree that a cult needs ONE charismatic leader. JWs do NOT have ONE charismatic leader. Plenty of Witnesses don't even now who the president is. Yet, JWs are a cult. The definition needs to be broadened to say a cult can have a charismatic or authoritarian ENTITY. That ENTITY coud be a person, or it could be an ideal (Concept perhaps?) or a BODY or Council (GB n FDS.) To say that a cult requires one PERSON as its leader is to miss the point of what a cult is. A cult is a cult for many different reasons, and a leader can be many different kinds of things, including A BOOK. Having one PERSON as a leader is not necessarily an element of cults. Many organizations heve one charismatic leader and are not a cult.>>>>>>
No doubt Shawn! Rethinking the WTS being a CULT because they do not have a SINGLE leader?? Are ya kidding me. It was started basically by CT Russell, who was considered the "faithful and wise servant."
Mormonism today has the President and the "twelve Apostles" etc. Not "one single leader" of course it was founded by a single nutcase, Joseph Smith.
The biggest characteristic of a Cult to me is that YOU MUST BELONG TO THEIR CHURCH/ORGANIZATION/GROUP to be saved. That and no questioning the leaders. Let's call a turnip a turnip. -
Sounds like, feels like, looks like a cult to me.
Or else the borg is a Pyramid type of publishing business where directions come from the top, the lowest ones on the pyramid are out doing all the selling, with the money funneling back to the top. The Prez issues directions and press releases, makes rules, and lives a high life --- while living on an expense tab. The CEOs are the ones flying all over the world and giving Sales talks and living on expense tabs.
5go: the "charismatic leader" is the FDS!!!
good thread
5go: the "charismatic leader" is the FDS!!!
One could say the charismatic leader of the Catholic Church is the pope. Whould any one like to call them a cult!
By the way I disagree with the pope being a leader he is not really. It is clear if you do any digging the pope is a figure head at best.
I agree the JWs are harmful but they still lack the key signs of cultdom a single leader, a compound, and total with drawal from society.
I also agree they could easily turn cult over night. They just need a new Russel to step forward.
Great quote from that website.
"How can something that began with so much hope go so very wrong? There's a lot of speculation about what happened to the members of The People's Temple, but for the most part, what went wrong is what goes wrong with most destructive cults: the leadership." -
Thank you for posting this. I am so tempted to send this to those I love... but... I feel that this might be more than a "seed" for them to swallow...